By Myraine Carluen Policarpio ( | First Posted: Aug 04, 2015 11:55 AM EDT

Exercising should be fun and of course, result-driven. When you see that you're really losing weight and keeping your mind and body healthy, you feel more motivated towards your fitness targets. And kicking these common workout mistakes away can help you avoid certain setbacks and rebounds.

1. Skipping Warm-Ups

Having some proper warm-ups should ready your body as well as your body temperature for a light to moderate workout routines. Not doing this may increase the risks of injuries, muscle strains, sprains, and spasms.

2. Overdoing Your Routines

Too long or too frequent training or exercises is also not healthy. Exercising too much can eventually do more harm than good, backfiring in many ways. To really maximize your full potentials in achieving a healthier mind and body, you have to recognize the importance of recovery sessions. This period should allow your body to recuperate in between intense activities. After all, every day workouts are difficult to sustain both physically and mentally.

3. Poor Posture

Working out on a wrong posture is stressful. You're not only hurting your bones and muscles but most importantly, you are all exposing yourself to unwanted injuries, unnecessary aches, and even accidents.

4. Not Sleeping Adequately

Living a very busy life makes sleeping for eight hours a challenge. But if you wish to obtain your weight management targets, you have to really strive for this, giving your body enough time to recharge.

5. Talking Too Much

Having a gym buddy or someone who has the same fitness goals as yours is indeed helpful and encouraging. However, you have to refrain from too much talking as this reduces metabolic rate or fat burning effect. And since your routines are generally controlled by breathing habits, chatting a lot diminish your performance, endurance, and energy levels. It's also best to breathe through your nose and not through the mouth.

6. Not Stretching After the Workout

Many people tend to forget stretching after their fitness training. Folks, when you don't stretch, your body loses flexibility, which is really important in increasing your athletic performance and aiding you stay injury free. So, the next time you're done with your set, don't head to your locker room right away. Have some stretching first to relax your muscle groups and regulate blood flow and circulation.

7. Sticking with the Same Routines

Variety should do the work better. Little did you know, doing the same movements and patterns reduces calorie burn and muscle building. You may opt to try different exercises to target specific areas of your body. Change your routine or at least do some boosts to give you optimum results.

Remember that having wrong practices and routines may lead to inferior results. So, stop doing those workout habits that may sabotage your fitness goals.

Snatching some recovery snacks after working out also helps. Keep an eye to whatever you take in as this may put your efforts into waste. Always know what you should eat and should not eat when on a weight management program.

Exercise now, eat right, and live a healthier and happier lifestyle.