Britain Ramps Up its Efforts to Find Extraterrestrial Life

Britain will be joining the ranks of avid extraterrestrial life seekers with a new concentrated effort utilizing seven major telescopes that will sift through radio broadcasts looking for a message from another planet.

Pluto's Smallest Moons Get Named, Top Vote Getter 'Vulcan' Snubbed

Pluto might no longer be a planet, but scientists have uncovered five moons orbiting the long-distance satellite. The smallest two, previously known as P4 and P5, have finally gotten official names.

The Lone Signal Project Makes Hipsters Our Ambassadors to the Universe

SETI, the search for extra terrestrial intelligence, may have once been considered a flight of fancy or ostracized by the broader scientific community, at least in Carl Sagan's Contact, but the project has, by now, generally gained acceptance. Listening for aliens seems like an improbable but good idea. However, a new extra terrestrial intelligence-seeking initiative, called the Lone Signal Project, may warrant a little more skepticism.

Name Pluto's Moons: SETI Holds Contest to Name Newly Discovered Moons of Former Planet

Pluto may not be a planet anymore, but its family keeps growing. Two new moons orbiting the dwarf planet were discovered in 2011 and 2012, and SETI is holding a contest to name them.

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