By Staff Reporter ( | First Posted: Jul 23, 2021 08:37 PM EDT

(Photo : Will Tithing Make You Rich?)

Though no empirical data can prove that tithing makes you rich, there is a correlation among those who tithed. Tithing itself doesn't make you rich, but the act of giving makes you happier and motivates you to work harder.

Tithing is nothing new. It has been around since ancient times. However, in recent years, it's made a comeback because people believe tithing can help grow their financial net worth.

What Is Tithing?

In the Bible, tithing is referred to as the giving of gifts. Nowadays, it's blown up into a much different idea, where people of the Christian faith donate are encouraged to donate 10% of their income to the church in which they attend.

It's far from a new idea however, some report that they've witnessed a large number of families experience greater prosperity when they practiced tithing.

The Benefits of Tithing

Will Tithing Make You Rich?

So, what are the benefits of tithing? Let's discuss a few.

1. You Are Motivated

When you give away money for a cause, you're likely to be more motivated. You start to value your money more and therefore start to see things in an entirely different light.

First and foremost, you get excited to share your earnings and feel good doing so.

2. You Are Conscious

When you stop and think about your money, it takes on a whole different light. You start to see the things that you could do if you set aside 10% or even just 3% for a year.

The act of being conscious helps you better understand your money. It also keeps you from overspending or spending on things that you just don't need.

3. Coincidence

We are not here to burst any bubbles, but there is one thing for certain, you can't prove that something is a miracle.

For instance, would you have gotten the raise if you hadn't tithed? You won't know. Still, you'll connect it to tithing because of things you hear from those promoting it.

Ties to the Bible

When the Bible speaks of tithing, it's found in the Old Testament. It's painted as a gift or tax that the Israelites were required to pay. Though it's found in the Old Testament, there is nothing of tithing in the New Testament and not too many ties to the people of God.

In modern-day Christianity, churches use the mention of the work in the Bible to encourage those who come to the parish to donate their earnings.

This means that those walking in the doors are encouraged to donate 10% of their earnings. In doing so, they will become more prosperous in their personal lives.

Deciding Whether or Not to Tithe

If you're not sure whether or not you should tithe, it's good to look at your current income situation.

For instance, if you're bringing in $100,000 and tithe, you're technically giving away $833 each month. For the average American family, that number is far from feasible. Not to discourage you if you want to tithe, after all, it's a free country where you can decide to do what you please.

Still, deciding whether or not to tithe is based on your ability to give 10% of your income. A few other things to consider are:

  • Your church's promise
  • How they will distribute money
  • Your usable income each month
  • Tax breaks for donations
  • Your personal choices

Budgeting Your Money

At the end of the day, it's all about how you budget. One positive thing about tithing is that, in some circumstances, it counts as a charitable donation which you can write off on your taxes.

If you budget your money the right way, you could donate 10% and still live comfortably.

To get on a proper budget, you can either work with a financial advisor or list out your income and monthly expenses on your own to find out how much free income you have.

Use this to find if 10% is a doable number for you and start donating.

In the End, Give What You Can

One thing that some Christians get too concerned with is the fact that tithing has to be 10%. This number is an invented one that came out of the evangelical Christian church. If you don't have 10% to give, you can still donate to any church and they will gladly accept it.

For instance, let's say that you can only give $50 a month. That still turns into $600 a year.

Churches are not going to turn you down nor are they going to kick you out just because you don't donate. You know what your finances and budget are and should be able to decide for yourself to give or not to give.

Sharing Is Caring

When you stop and think about it, charities and churches have a lot in common. A lot of churches do community work and help people around the community with clothes and food.

Charities do the same thing, however, some do so on a global scale. With both, they appreciate everything you give, even if it's just $1 a month.

That's to say that tithing is a concept and, though it's mentioned in the bible, is not only tied to the church. You can donate 10% of your annual salary to anything you see fit, supporting the causes that you believe need the most help.

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