By Staff Reporter ( | First Posted: Dec 03, 2015 07:40 AM EST

A video showcasing an Xbox One game streamed via HoloLens technology was recently released, and it is impressive! It seems that gamers will now be able to take their Xbox One games wherever they please.

Since Microsoft seems to have decided to take on the HoloLens technology market aggressively, it has begged the question whether the device is actually consumer-friendly. To answer that question Microsoft project manager Varun Mani recorded himself doing a demo of the HoloLens augmented reality headset played with Halo 5: Guardians streamed from Xbox One.

This isn't the first HoloLens gaming video demo ever released, Game Spot notes, but the video above has been shot in a way unlike others inside homes.

Mani was able to continue playing Halo 5: Guardians even away from the TV screen and on a wall. The projection actually takes place within the HoloLens headset and it would seem that gamers could play games or use apps on any given surface.

While Mani didn't share any details about the HoloLens, the video is still impressive and the technology could launch a new way of gaming.

Game Spot reports that the HoloLens was announced way back January. The HoloLens headset allows users to view a vast array of holographic renderings such as social networks and even Minecraft.

Meanwhile, as stunning and impressive as the device is, in many ways it's similar to the Google Glass, according to Cinema Blend.

Probably the major weakness that the HoloLens would have is as a local multiplayer, since it retails at a whopping $3,000.

In the comments section of the video, many users are aware that it would be more affordable to simply buy several Xbox One consoles with Xbox Live accounts than purchasing many expensive HoloLens headsets.

It's hard right now to see how the device would be welcomed into the consumer market, but probably Microsoft's target is high-end consumers.

Right now nothing is uncertain about how Microsoft plans to apply the HoloLens in gaming projects, considering the price. There have been several tech demos though.

It's also likely that the company would bring the price of the devkits to around $1,000.

As for Xbox, company boss Phil Spencer believes gaming is essential with the new HoloLens. In January 2015, he mentioned as much when he said:

"To me, there's not a successful consumer electronics device on the planet where gaming is not a primary app category, and I think HoloLens will work the same way; I think gaming will be important," he said at the time. "We're thinking hard about specific scenarios with the Xbox, with things like content streaming, and using it as a display for Xbox."

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