By Desiree Salas ( | First Posted: Aug 06, 2015 06:00 AM EDT

If you think there's nobody smarter than Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking, think again. A 12-year-old girl has been recently revealed as having an IQ level higher than the two icons of science.

"Nicole Barr took the test at the same time as her father did a couple of weeks ago, and got her results - a score of 162 - on Thursday, easily beating his score," Yahoo! Parenting reported. "Her father, Jim Barr, says he had a hunch that Nicole would be admitted to Mensa, despite the low acceptance rate - the honor is extended only to those who score in the top 2 percent."

Einstein and Hawking's IQ levels are two points lower than Nicole's. Scoring just 140 already puts the person in the genius level. The average score for adults is 100, Mirror said.

Nicole's father explained to Yahoo! Parenting that his daughter had a knack for solving problems and puzzles, and that they went into the IQ test without putting pressure on her to do well.

"We went for the fun of it," he said. "I had the idea in my mind that she would get into Mensa, but when I got the results back, I thought, 'Wow that's a high score!' It wasn't until later that I learned it was the top score possible on that test."

"She's always loved numbers and puzzles, and she's always been excellent at math, performing several years ahead of her age group in school," he went on to reveal. "It's just the type of thing she likes to do. She likes challenging herself."

Jim also said that he noticed Nicole appeared to finish each section of the test early and that she managed to finish answering all questions. He was unable to do the same.

"Before she was 2, she was adding numbers up and doing calculations," he recaled. "At 2, she could use a Nintendo DS with absolute ease - it would amaze family and friends how easily she could work anything technical."

In addition to rather "brainy" activities, Nicole also likes acting and singing. Jim said she had said she wanted to be a doctor and perhaps "invent a new medicine."

Nicole's IQ test milestone has become "the talk of the gypsy community," according to the Western Daily Press. She is from the Roma travelling community and is living in a caravan in Harlow, Essex in London.

"It's nice for us to be in the news for something good for a change," Nicole's father said. "This shows that it doesn't matter where you come from, anyone can be academically brilliant."


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