By James Paladino ( | First Posted: Sep 17, 2012 04:09 PM EDT

At Midnight on Tuesday, September 18, prepare to indulge your loot addictions once more when Borderlands 2 officially launches.

Gearbox software's original Borderlands sold over six million retail copies, an unexpected feat for a new IP in a market saturated by sequels and reboots.  At a PC and Indie games show titled Rezzed, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford expressed that "It's a miracle we did what we did with Borderlands 1-it's a big risk to build a new IP." Pitchford confessed that the studio "spent every dollar [they] had" on Borderlands 1.

"Fortunately Borderlands 1 was a tremendous success...and that is exciting for a new IP-it's unprecedented really." The success of Gearbox's breakthrough success allowed the studio to "put the budget into BL2 that it deserves - a budget" they "wish [they] had for the first game."

Those who pre-order Borderlands 2 will unlock a new class known as the Mecormancer, a Golden key to unlock a rare item in the game, a "Gearbox Gunpack", and the "Creature Slaughter Dome" for Gamestop customers.

2K Games, the publisher, is organizing a promotion in London on September 23 dares gamers to go bungee jumping in exchange for a free copy of the game. A UK spokesperson for 2K games explained, "we want to provide an afternoon of extreme fun and discover just how psycho Borderlands 2 fans can get. A bungee jump is the perfect way to truly test your nerves and we're excited to bring the insane pleasure of the game into the real world!"

CCL Online details that the promotion will take place on a "first-come first-served basis and take place between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm at the Old Truman Brewery, London, on 23rd September."

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