By Frank Lucci ( | First Posted: Apr 15, 2013 01:29 PM EDT

Players still enthralled with Bioshock: Infinite have some good news to celebrate, as it appears that DLC will be on its way soon to the game. VG24/7 is reporting that the PC version of the game on Steam has ten blank achievement slots open, suggesting that DLC will soon be added to the game, and those blank achievements will soon be replaced with the actual achievements for the game. The achievements are all numbered, so it appears that they would all be part of the same DLC bundle.

Bioshock: Infinite has a season pass option for $20, allowing access to three DLC packages for the game, so it was only a matter of time before DLC for the game rears its head. While Irrational Games has yet to announce any DLC or when we could expect any to be available, having these achievements show up on Stream should indicate that at least one package is in the works.

The DLC for Bioshock: Infinite is supposed to be story based, which may confuse some gamers as the game's ending does not leave much more to be said. Most likely, the future DLC will either deal with a prequel story, or perhaps an expansive side-quest, rather than pick up where the game ended.

Bioshock Infinite was released on March 26 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. The game has been hailed as one of the greatest of its generation, particularly for the game's story. It continues to dominate sales charts as well, including a three-week run on top of the UK Sales Chart. If new DLC for the game is indeed coming soon, then it looks like Irrational Games plans to strike while the iron is hot. We will keep track of this story to see if Irrational Games confirms DLC for the game is coming soon.

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