By Frank Lucci ( | First Posted: Apr 03, 2013 05:33 PM EDT

Destiny, the newest game from Bungie, is one of the most anticipated games that is set to come out on this and the next generations of consoles. The creators of the Halo series are known for their impressive visuals, and Destiny is no different. Joe Staten, design director on Destiny, recently had a chance to tell Gamespot what influences shaped the game, and the answers may not be so surprising.

"I think typically, for the Halo games, we looked at movies. But really for this game, we looked at serial television; great dramas like Lost or The Wire; Battlestar Galactica..." Staten explained.

Staten stated that the team was influenced by television as a way to fully understand how to structure and build a longer narrative, which Destiny, a game whose story arch is projected to unfold over a decade, hopefully will take advantage of.

"When you're building a world and you want to evolve it over time, it really helps to have an understanding of how you build this longer-form narrative. So for us, that was a really interesting new thing we did...I think we probably spend more time watching television these days than we do movies and that's definitely influenced the way we think about building our story," he said.

Destiny is slated to become to next big franchise from Bungie, so it makes sense that they would look at successful shows that enjoyed long, critically successful runs for their narratives and atmosphere.

Destiny does not have a release date yet, but has been confirmed to be coming to the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and Xbox 360. It is also rumored to be heading to the next-gen Xbox, PC, Playstation Vita, and Wii U, although none of those platforms have been confirmed for the game's release 

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