By Billy Tatum ( | First Posted: Mar 05, 2013 03:17 PM EST

C.M. Punk fans: be careful what you wish for. 

Last night on Monday Night RAW, the fatal 4-Way to face the Undertaker in Wrestlemania 29 featured Sheamus, Big Show, Randy Orton, and CM Punk resulted in the win of the guy with the  coolest name, the most ring persona, the most tattoos...and the most to lose. 

CM Punk versus Undertaker became official as the Dead Man showed up, complete with awesome pyro and a long coat that we all wish we could wear to work. Many saw this coming ever since Punk lost the belt to The Rock. It seems an obvious choice for the enigmatic Punk to take on the owner of "The Streak", but the obvious doesn't come without risks. 

Despite a 15-month reign, it's become apparent that Punk hasn't reached the level of popularity as John Cena. The father of the "pipebomb" once was as controversial as medical marijuana and immigration reform, but has lost his edge lately. Also, for whatever reason Punk has never gotten that crossover appeal that makes kids beg parents to get CM Punk shirts. In other words, he's not John Cena. A loss to the Undertaker could further erode any image of him being as great as he claims he is. It could give critics just one more reason to discount guys who look like him as being able to be main event performer. 

Of course, it could turn out to be a game changer for Punk. As much as Rock versus Cena is good for selling T-shirts, Punk could go down as being in the best match at Wrestlemania. His technical skills and high risk moves could be just the match to make breaking the streak all the more historic. After all, a lot of men have held a championship including David Arquette (hey, at least it wasn't Bieber), but right now, the biggest feather could be beating an old school legend like the Undertaker and telling him to go and Rest.. In...Peace. 

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