By Staff Writer ( | First Posted: Aug 18, 2015 07:13 AM EDT

After months of speculation, the new codename for the upcoming Android M mobile operating system has finally been revealed. Following its predecessors, the name will also take on a sweet treat.

Rumors were ended when Google set up a new statue on its campus, featuring an Android hugging a marshmallow. It strongly implied that the upcoming Android 5.2 or Android 6.0 will be called Android Marshmallow. Daily Tech wrote that the update will provide several improvements, such as enhanced NFC payments, support for Google Tab functionality in third-party apps, support for USB Type-C charging and data transfer cables in new devices, a new power saving feature called “Doze”, and many more.

Android Marshmallow is said to debut on flagship Nexus models, namely the rumored 5.2-inch LG Nexus 5 (2015) and the 5.7-inch Huawei Nexus 5 (2015).

Android Developers Blog wrote that the final Android 6.0 SDK is currently available for download using the SDK Manager in Android Studio. Users will have access to the final Android APIs and new build tools. Users can update their app project compileSdkVersion to 23 after downloading the Android 6.0 SDK into Android Studio. Users can update to test their app with the new platform as well as test specific features of API 23 such as app permissions and auto-backup.

The Android Support Library has also been updated to v23. It will be easier to integrate several APIs of the new platform, like permissions and fingerprint support, using a backwards-compatible method. There will also be new support libraries available.

Android Marshmallow further provides a new permissions model that streamlines the app installation and update process. The app should be updated to target API 23 to ensure that the app will perform as expected when a specific permission is disabled by an Android Marshmallow user.

Based on the same Android Developers Blog, Google Play has also been opened to let users publish their apps that target the new API level 23 in Android Marshmallow. Google Play store will be updated at the consumer launch in the fall of 2015 to allow the app install and update process to support the new permissions model for API 23 apps. To guarantee that apps continue to run efficiently on Android Marshmallow, users are recommended to try the beta testing feature on Google Play to receive early feedback, followed by a staged rollout when the new version becomes available to all users.

More news and updates on Android Marshmallow are expected soon.

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