By Staff Reporter ( | First Posted: Dec 28, 2021 12:35 PM EST

Content marketing, including a company's own blog, is an effective and pretty affordable way to promote a business.

If you're just getting started with content marketing, you just need to start a blog and write, write, write... When you already have a blog and work on it has more or less stabilized, try using a new type of content. Most likely, the result will not make you wait - brand building, better traffic, target audience attraction, increased advertising results, and SEO optimization efficiency.

Today we will share some tips on how to improve a corporate blog so that it is always relevant and attracts a new audience aka potential customers.

7 tips to make your corporate blog perfect

1. Optimize existing content

The first thing you should do is to look at old content in a new way. So, put in order what you already have.

Here are some simple things that will improve your blog's SEO right now:

  • Place internal links to other relevant pages of the site.

  • Add a good title, meta descriptions, comments, and tags that include keywords for the site.

  • Update keywords in the text's body.

  • Optimize images.

2. Try to radiate success

Some business founders pass off their articles on quarterly losses and their economic crisis as honesty. But in truth, it gives potential clients a hint that your business is not very stable or successful.

You shouldn't tell everyone about your financial situation. Business is a roller coaster, but for clients, you must always seem to be successful, so post positive information on your blog.

3. Broadcast benefit

On business blogs, you always write primarily for your clients and secondly for your business. Your personal interests and needs should be at the very bottom of your priority list. Remember, your goal is to increase sales, attract new customers, and drive business.

When you come up with blogging, you will notice that by creating useful posts that help your customers and answer their questions, you win them. And when you only blog about what a great company you have, you won't get new clients.

4. Don't be afraid to try new types of content

Many companies don't like to switch to other types of content, believing that it will be too risky, take a long time, or won't bring the expected results. We understand your foresight, but advise you to try it.

Memes, TikTok format videos, educational tutorials. Want to try the video format? No need to buy a professional camera and expensive programs. Start small - use your iPhone, YouTube account, and simple tools like a user-friendly video editing software or screen recorder, or Canva for making memes. They come to success gradually.

5. Post only relevant content

Content creation always needs to be tailored to the audience. If you're selling a certain product, don't blog about just how great it is. Write about life hacks, in which areas to apply it, in which trends it can participate, and so on.

6. Convey industry knowledge of high authority

If you choose to run a corporate blog, it should revolve pretty much around your industry. The more niches you occupy, the better it will be.

Having this in mind, stay on top of the latest industry developments and bring up important topics as they arise. Learn the latest news and trends in your industry and pay attention to what the influencers in your industry are doing and saying.

7. Skip messages about blog or website updates

For you, the updates to your blog or website are probably pretty interesting.

However, trust us: nobody cares about it. Publishing such news on your blog only shows that you have no ideas at all.

3 things to avoid in corporate blogging 

  • Notes on problem clients

Notes about customers who missed a payment, were rude, asked stupid questions a hundred times will show potential customers that you are not on their side and will sacrifice anything to create exceptionally satisfied customers on a conveyor.

Don't pretend to be the drama queen in the digital marketing sphere. Instead, think about what can be improved to avoid dissatisfaction or to help any type of client as much as possible.

  • Controversial topics

It's not as easy as it sounds. Avoid sensitive topics such as gender, sex, and religion, but also try not to share personal positions on potentially provocative issues. There is an old adage that still works today: if you can't say anything good, don't say anything at all.

And if you can't do without writing about something controversial, make sure you present  facts to back up your sayings and try not to let your emotions take over.

  • Publishing the best content only on your site

There are risks that your blog isn't getting several hundred thousand visitors a month. So, when you write awesome content, very few people will read and share it on social media.

For this reason, your best content should be posted on someone else's blog.

Think of the Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine, or Forbes, which get 1,000, if not 10,000 times more traffic than your blog. So if you publish your niche article on these sites, it will get more attention because they have a much larger readership.

Final say 

A corporate blog helps to attract the target audience, increase reach and conversion, reduce the cost per lead, and increase the effectiveness of other advertising tools.

Unique materials will not only market your brand, bring potential customers and introduce them to the product and the company but also index the site - help bring it to the top of the search. By working with content, you build brand awareness and maintain your company's reputation as an industry expert. So try to make it as relevant as possible.