By Staff Reporter ( | First Posted: Sep 06, 2013 08:45 AM EDT

Smokers should think twice before "lighting it up" on New Year. Starting January 1, flicking cigar butts will cost you a hefty $1,500 in Illinois.

The state of Illinois has classified cigarette butts as litter in the recently amended "Litter Control Act." Butt flickers will pay $1,500 on the first offense of throwing cigarette butts out the car window, the ground or anywhere in public, says the Rockford Register Star. First offenses will be classified as Class B misdemeanor. Second offenses are considered Class A misdemeanor and offenders will be fined not more than $1,500. Third and subsequent offenses will set you back with a Class 4 Felony, a $25,000 fine and imprisonment of not less than a year and not more than three years.

Lawmakers and supporters of the amendment to the "Litter Control Act" regard cigarette butts as harmful and damaging to the environment. They can potentially cause damage when thrown to dry grass, get stuck in storm water sewers and reportedly devalue property by 7 to 10% by their mere existence.