By Robert Schoon ( | First Posted: Jul 06, 2013 06:30 PM EDT

Google recently updated its Google Glass Explorer Edition, and some new feautres look to be in the works for the wearable computing glasses, including a "Boutique" app store, a Google lock screen, and a media player.

The update came in the form of a Google Glass software package, released monthly to Glass Explorers, this time called "XE7." On Monday, Google provided release notes with officially announced features, but developer Zhouwei looked a little closer and found some additional possible features in the XE7 code, which he detailed on GitHub. But first, lets look at the official changes.

Ok Glass...

Google says that the voice command "Ok Glass..." is getting added functionality. You can now reply to messages by saying "Ok Glass, reply," while viewing the notification, and sharing pictures and media has become faster by saying "Ok Glass, share with..." while you're still reviewing the picture you just took. On Android phones, the voice command can now be used to "answer call" or "reject call," as well. Finally, "Ok Glass, read aloud" will read messages to you, though the very core design of Glass seems to obviate the need for text-to-speech capability.

Search and Browse

Google has also made the search feature of Glass more conversational. After searching for something - Google gives the example of the Eiffel Tower - you can immediately do a follow up search using a pronoun, as in, "Ok Glass, Google when was it built," instead of having to say "Eiffel Tower" in your search again.

Google also brought Glass gestures into browsing web pages. When you tap "view website," you can scroll, zoom, look around, and click on anything in a webpage, using two-finger touchpad gestures and head motions. SlashGear has a demonstration video of the new web browsing capabilities.

Other Improvements

Google also expanded messaging, allowing users to send a message to more than ten people in their Google Contacts using the touchpad, and adding, selecting, and viewing contact information has been streamlined. Other minor bug fixes include better detection by Glass that it's actually on your head, a more accurate battery gauge, and better video upload connections.

But Wait, There's More!

Developer Zhuowei has learned to always look deeper into the code for any "hidden changes in updates," many of which he has found in the XE7 update.

Media Player

First, Zhuowei found what looks like the interface for a volume display, along with a music player that shows "Now Playing" on Glass's screen. He built up a mockup from what seems to be the layout of the code, using Rick Astley (why not) as his music example.

He also found a new option called VIDEO_PLAYER, but in his candid words: "no idea what that does."

Lock Screen

Zhuowei found a lot of code work done in glass-services.odex for a locks screen. Judging from the coded bit "slidinglockview," it looks like Google might be adding a lock screen with a swiping lock - requiring the right lock pattern to unlock the device.

Glass Boutique: Google Glass's App Store

Probably the most exciting part of the code unearthed by Zhuowei is the discovery of a possible App Store for Glass, called "Boutique" in the code. Right now there's no "Google Play" for Glass - a single place where you can get all of the best Glass applications. Zhuowei finds that in the XE7 code, "it seems that Boutique will fix this problem, by allowing Glassware and APKs to sync down to the Glass. There's code to sync the installed list of Glassware and to send currently installed native APKs." (APK or ".apk" stands for Android Package; It's the file format used to distribute and install application software onto Google devices.) Check out Zhuowei's GitHub teardown for more technical detail on the new Glass update.

Judging from the new features - both official and unofficial - Google is hard at work setting up many of the features you'd expect from a smartphone onto Glass, which actually just an accessory/add-on for smartphones. Stay tuned here for more updates on Glass, as Google plans on expanding the Explorer program later this year, with and even broader availability next year, because as Google allows more people to buy Glass, we're sure to see more improvements, problems, and exciting new features materialize.