By Rafal Rogoza ( | First Posted: Feb 14, 2013 08:05 PM EST

An Arizona researcher says he has discovered a clue that may prove the mysterious Bigfoot does in fact exist.

According to CBS 5 Pheonix, Alex Hearn of the Arizona Cryptozoological Research Organization has found a toenail in northern Arizona that used to belong to the hairy beast. A homeowner outside of Seligman found the toenail and passed it to researchers who say it is the first piece of physical evidence that Bigfoot is real.

DNA analysis has shown the toenail to be 13,000-years-old and "A 100 percent human female, mixed with a male of an unknown species,"  Hearn says, adding that BIgfoot came to be by humans mating with other primates.

"The toenail is proof that the creature is there.  But it's not the definitive proof yet, we still have work to do," said Hearn, without going into details about how close researchers are to bringng the mystery to a close.

However, for Hearn, Bigfoot's existence is no myth. He is a believer and claims to have seen the elusive creature.  

"When I saw it, it was lifting branches up with its arms and walking into the space through the thickets at the side of the road," he said, adding "I don't try to persuade them. But I will show them the evidence that we found, they're welcome to come with us,"   .