By Staff Reporter ( | First Posted: Jan 04, 2013 11:26 AM EST

Rafael Edward, 'Ted Cruz," was sworn in on Thursday as the first Hispanic senator to represent the state of Texas. Cruz, an esteemed member of the Republican Tea Party, has promised to appeal the Affordable Health Care Bill, better known as Obama Care, as his first major task in office.

Cruz vowed that his "first bill would seek to repeal 'every syllable of every word' of the Obama administration's health care reform law," as reported by CBS News.

The Tea Party members have been particularly critical of the Affordable Health Care, which was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in the landmark decision over the summer. Many states, including Texas, have refused to implement the legislation, especially the individual mandate clause, which requires every American to procure health care or incur a penalty.Over the summer, the Supreme Court ruled to uphold this most controversial part of the healthcare plan. The individual mandate clause was upheld as being within the constitutional authority of the federal government to impose taxes. The Affordable Healthcare Act aka Obama care was upheld in a 5-4 vote.

In addition to fighting the healthcare bill, Cruz also said that he would fight to protect the Constitutional right of Americans to bear arms.

"Gun registries have been used as a preface to confiscation... It's a tragedy, but it's not a tragedy that should be answered by restricting the constitutional rights of all Americans," as reported by Dallas News.

The state of Texas currently has 12 Democrats and 24 Republicans representing it in the House of Representatives.

The 42-year-old Cruz is a Cuban-American, who graduated from Harvard Law School. In the November 2012 United States Senate elections he beat Democratic runner Paul Sadler.

Cruz was sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden with his wife Heidi Cruz, two daughter s Caroline and Catherine, 4 and 2 respectively and mother Eleanor Darragh at the ceremony.

Upon being sworn in to office Cruz said, "It is humbling to now have the responsibility of representing 27 million Texans...The entire day has been magical. I have to admit that any time someone addresses me as senator, I find myself turning my head trying to figure out who on Earth they're talking to, "as reported by Dallas News.