By Staff Reporter ( | First Posted: Mar 29, 2022 03:47 PM EDT

Going through a divorce can be one of the most stressful times of your life. There are financial and personal changes that lead to a lot of uncertainty, anxiety, fear, or sadness. 

Many adjustments happen after divorce. You may be moving, losing a best friend, seeing your children less often, changing your social network, or having a sense of betrayal. 

Another issue that may come about is the changes to health, car, life, or homeowner's insurance, so make sure you are well-informed about these details. You may have to find new insurance policies or make changes to your current policies. 

The good news is that there are things you can do to manage your stress and land on your feet. We'll discuss insurance changes after a divorce as well as the best ways to manage stress. 

Insurance Changes After Divorce

One big concern is the changes to insurance after a divorce. This could affect auto, health, homeowners, and life insurance. For example, life insurance policies may need to be revised if the ex-spouse is the recipient. 

Married couples pay less annually for car insurance than unmarried individuals. For those who are losing a married car insurance discount, make sure you check quotes online or try to bundle car and homeowner's insurance to get discounts. 

If both you and your spouse were on the same health insurance plan, one of you will need to get your own plan either through an employer or a private insurance company. You will have to figure out who will continue to carry insurance for any children. 

The Best Ways to Manage Stress

It is normal to feel sad, depressed, or scared about your future after a divorce. This is a big life change for many people, and those feelings are normal. But there are many things you can do to help manage the level of stress in your life after a divorce. 

Talk to Friends or Family

You may not want to relay all the details of your divorce to every friend and family member, but it's important to have a good social network for support. Surround yourself with positive people who have your best interests at heart. 

Spending time with friends and family is a great way to boost your social health. You might even be able to develop some new friendships or revitalize relationships with friends that you lost touch with during marriage. 


There are many benefits of exercise and physical activity. For one, staying active is one proven stress management technique. It can make you feel calmer, more relaxed, and improve your self-esteem. Exercise can also relieve tension, anxiety, and anger. 

It's helpful to find some physical activities that you enjoy. Running, walking, swimming, weight training, yoga, fitness classes, or dancing are all great options to help you stay active. 

(Photo : Anupam Mahapatra via Unsplash)

Therapy or Counseling

Finding a therapist or counselor is an important part of taking care of your emotional needs. It may take some trial and error to find a professional that you can connect with and trust. 

A therapist or counselor can serve as an impartial listener if you desire talk-based therapy. Many therapists and counselors can also give you strategies to deal with strong emotions or ways to build trust or self-esteem. 

Make a Plan

Another important step is to make a plan for the things you want for your future. This means finding your independence and taking care of yourself and your children. 

For example, if you have debt from the divorce, choose which loan to pay off first and make a plan to pay off the debt within a certain period. If you need to move or secure employment, start working on the steps to make those goals happen. 

Find Spiritual Practices

This could be meditation, prayer, yoga, religious services, journaling, mindfulness, or spending time in nature. Finding the spiritual practices that you enjoy will bring you more peace and help enhance your well-being. 

(Photo : Elijah Hiett via Unsplash)

Think Positive

While a divorce is a life-changing event, it helps to think about the positive things in your life. Maybe you weren't happy and now you can get back on the path to finding true happiness. You may not be able to think positive thoughts all the time, but try to find time to focus on the positive in your life. 

Take Time to Grieve 

Allow yourself a period of time to grieve and let yourself feel the feelings you are having. Divorce is never easy and is an emotional experience. It can be difficult to move on. Avoid destructive behaviors like drinking, using drugs, or self-medicating. 

Try to Avoid Conflict with Your Ex

There may be tense situations during divorce proceedings or after a divorce that may lead to a conflict between you and your ex. It could be financial affairs, child care, or other lingering issues. Try to minimize the conflict as best as you can for your own health and well-being.

Get Your Mind off Things

This doesn't mean you should blow off work or other responsibilities, but take some time when you can to distract yourself. This could mean going for a walk, getting lost in a good book, or binging on a new television series. 

Make sure to find time for fun and find some things that make you laugh. This could mean a vacation or trip you've been wanting to take, going out with friends, or buying yourself something special. If you do decide to travel, make sure you continue to take care of your body and mind while away from home.

Take Care of Yourself

Find new hobbies, read a new book, learn something new, or do the things you enjoy doing. Self-care is an important way to boost your emotional and mental health during turbulent times. 

Try Self-Reflection

After a divorce, it's a great time to reflect and figure out what went wrong in the divorce. This can help you identify patterns or issues that might come up in future relationships. Self-reflection will also help you get over the relationship and move on in a healthy manner. 

Keep Moving Forward

After a divorce, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Take it one day at a time and stay grounded as best you can. Before you know it, enough time will have passed and you will be feeling much better about your new situation and can make plans for your happy future. 

About The Author: Melissa Morris writes and researches for the auto insurance comparison site, She is a professor of health and human performance and has worked in health education for over 15 years.