By Staff Reporter ( | First Posted: Dec 21, 2020 11:30 AM EST

According to a recent study by, many college students suffer from one mental health challenge or the other. From low grades to overwhelming events, there are a plethora of mental health issues a college student can have. When you leave home for college, you get to meet new people and face new experiences, stress, decisions, and what have you. You are basically on your own and have pretty much something to prove. But while trying to handle these different emotional states, you can find yourself battling with a mental health challenge.

You have a lot on your plate, and people expect so much from you. There's more stress in college than it has been for any other generation. Peer pressure, the need to be enough, and lots more are only a few of the battles college students fight every day. Some of the most common mental health problems college students face are anxiety, addiction, and depression.

If you think you may be suffering from mental health problems, you must be honest with yourself and seek help. This can be difficult to admit, especially when you're at college. But if you want to take care of your mental health and remain sane despite the hustle and bustle of college life, then here are some things you can do!  

1. Take Care of Your Body

    One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is a healthy body. You need a healthy body to house a healthy mind. A healthy body boosts your confidence and helps you withstand things that should have gotten to you. By simply exercising and eating good food, you can positively affect your mental health. Diet high in sugar can contribute to anxiety, addiction, and depression, so you may want to reduce their intake.

    2. Look at Things from Different Perspectives

      College life could be tough, depressing, and stressful. Almost everyone who has been to college will agree with that. But when you keep things in perspective, you will realize that it only lasts a while and that everything will turn out just fine in the end. If you feel the pressure of everything is starting to get to you, take some time to cool off. Take a break, relax, and unwind. And if there are a few slips here and there, remember that everything will be fine!

      3. Seek Help, Don't Isolate Yourself

        If you ever feel that something is beginning to get to you, then seek help as soon as you can. Don't get too self-conscious such that you begin to isolate yourself. Seek help! Almost everyone will need a therapist's help at one point or the other, so man up and do it already. Bear in mind that mental health problems can quickly escalate and grow worse. Things can get ugly quickly, so don't isolate yourself. Learn to speak up!

        If you didn't like the approach of a therapist, then seek the help of another one. Reach out to your friends, your professors, and other people that can help you. Taking alcohol or doing drugs cannot solve your problems. It will only make it worse. Never feel that you're alone - seek help from the right people, and you will be glad that you did!

        4. Take a Break

          No matter how good or bad things seem to be, it would be best if you take periodic breaks for your mental health. You may burn out if you keep doing too much to please people. Whenever you feel lonely, isolated, depressed, etc., it could be a marker that you need to take a break and ease on a little bit. Go outside and get some sun or get involved in some sports that can get the blood coursing through your veins again. See some movies, a concert, an event, etc. Just loosen up and get rid of every depressing thought and mindset.

          5. Practice Mindfulness

          When you practice the art of mindfulness, you can take your mind off the troubles you face and focus on the things that matter. With mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, prayer, etc., you can calm the raging seas and take things one step at a time. With this, you can find a solution to problems that you would still be suffering from if you keep on worrying. Practice the art of thoughtfulness and thankfulness. Let positive thoughts radiate from within you!


          Mental health problems are real, so don't think they can't get to you. With these general tips, you can prevent man mental health challenges. You must know when you're struggling with mental health issues. These tips are informational and should not substitute for a visit to a trained medical professional. Stay positive!