By Eric Hamilton ( | First Posted: Mar 12, 2020 02:38 PM EDT

Have you ever looked at a traffic signal before and couldn't remember what it meant? Chances are, this has probably happened to you at least a few times during your history of driving.

There are many different traffic signals that you might see and some of them are uncommon. This is all information that you would learn in a traffic signals practice test, but you aren't likely to remember some of them if you don't see them during your daily driving.

Truth be told, traffic signals can cause confusion and this is dangerous for anyone on the road. Whether it's because of a misunderstanding or traffic signal malfunction, if you can't understand what you're supposed to do, then you might make a mistake.

Driving mistakes can lead to an accident when separate drivers interpret a traffic signal differently. This is why you should understand what makes traffic signals confusing so that you can avoid causing an accident.   

Recently Changed Signals

One thing that trips up a lot of drivers is a recently changed signal.

Sometimes revisions are needed to a traffic signal to improve the flow of traffic. However, this can seriously confuse someone who is accustomed to the old traffic signal. 

When you have a daily commute for work or school, you get comfortable with the route that you take. You don't think twice about the turns to take and what speeds you travel at.

Another thing that you don't think about is the traffic signals you face. As a result, you might not notice a chance and do something that creates a dangerous situation.

For example, imagine an intersection that you usually turn left on. Before the change, the light blinked yellow meaning that you could turn if there was no oncoming traffic.

With an updated traffic signal, there may never be a blinking yellow, which only allows you to turn when the light is green. Without noticing this, you may turn on a red light and hit a pedestrian that previously didn't have a walk signal, but does after the change.

Routine causes drivers to make mistakes because they don't expect a different traffic signal. 

Signals That Defy Common Logic

Another problem with traffic signals are those that defy common logic. In other words, those that just don't make any sense.

Picture an intersection with three lanes and four traffic lights. Which traffic lights apply to which lanes? Which light is unnecessary and confusing?

It can be hard to tell, but the road usually has markings indicating which lanes are for turning and which are for going straight. When there's traffic, the road markings may get covered up. In this case, only traffic lights can tell you what to do.

If the traffic lights don't make sense, then how will anyone know what to do? You might get confused and think that a green light on one signal means that you can turn when it only applies to a straight lane.

Traffic signals aren't always straightforward and this can be confusing. 

Malfunctioning Traffic Signals

Anytime a traffic signal malfunctions, confusion is inevitably caused.

This is usually a product of a power outage, which will lead to a traffic signal shutting off. Without traffic signals, there is no direction for traffic to flow.

The correct approach to this is usually to treat the intersection as a four-way stop, but some drivers don't realize this. If you've never experienced a malfunctioning light, then you wouldn't know how to approach it.

Drivers expect traffic signals to work and it's very jarring when they don't. This requires you to think about what you're doing rather than just following the light.

Unfamiliar Signals

A final issue with traffic signals is those that drivers are unfamiliar with.

In the example above, we mentioned turning left on a blinking yellow. However, some drivers are unfamiliar with this and have no idea what it means.

Other traffic signals can also be confusing. Do you know what a blinking red light means? It means that you should stop before proceeding, which not all drivers would understand.

Anytime you see a traffic signal that you aren't familiar with, it makes it difficult to react. You don't want to make a mistake, but you also don't know what the correct move is. Because of this, confusion can't be avoided and an accident becomes more likely.

Closing Thoughts

As you may know, traffic signals are not always straightforward and this can mystify many drivers. Driver confusion is incredibly dangerous because it will cause poor driving and decision making.

To help you avoid this, you should know what scenarios may cause this. A few include recently changed signals, signals that defy common logic, malfunctioning lights, and unfamiliar signals.

You should do your best to learn what every traffic signal means so that you know how to react in every situation. This is necessary to help you avoid an accident and prevent traffic congestion!