By Michael Oleaga / ( | First Posted: Dec 15, 2012 03:54 PM EST

The second press conference in regards to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting took place at 3:30 p.m. EST.

The shooting first started in the morning of Friday, Dec. 14, in Newtown, Connecticut, where 18 children died in location, two died at a nearby hospital, and six adult staffers. The gunman, later to be revealed as Adam Lanza, took his own life.

In addition to the elementary school shooting, a body has been found at Lanza's home, which has been identified to be his mother, Nancy Lanza.

Lt. Paul Vance called the conference together, first introducing Newtown's First Selectman Patricia Llodra.

According to Llodra, the town has suffered a deep wound since Newtown is a close-knit community that loves each other and will be a town that will come together and find peace after the events of Dec. 14.

Llodra has served in Sandy Hook's PTA, PTA Council, St. Rose Parish Council, the League of Women Voters, and Republican Town Committee. She was elected to Newtown's Legislative Council in 2005.

She added that words and action with help or hinder the people in the community.

Dr. H. Wayne Carver II was introduced to describe early results of the medical examinations.

Carver and the medical team were at the elementary school until 12:30 a.m. EST, confirming all deaths have been classified as homicide and cause by gunshots.

"I believe everybody was hit more than once," said Dr. Carver II.

The medical examiner added that the families have not seen the bodies of the victims, noting all the children might have been first graders.

Examinations of all victims will be completed by tomorrow.

Dr. Carver noted that the shock hasn't hit him yet but likely it will in time.

Lt. Vance said the police are still pursuing leads and no other briefings will take place today unless breaking news details, which will be posted on their website.

The names of the victims have been confirmed with most of the children being born between 2005 and 2006.

Names of Victims (Children and Adults):

Charlotte Bacon [Child]

Daniel Barden [Child]

Rachel Davino [Adult]

Olivia Engel [Child]

Josephine Gay [Child]

Ana M. Marquez-Greene [Child]

Dylan Hockley [Child]

Dawn Hocksprung (Adult]

Madeline F. Hsu [Child]

Catherine V. Hubbard [Child]

Chase Kowalski [Child]

Jesse Lewis [Child]

James Mattioli [Child]

Grace McDonnell [Child]

Anne Marie Murphy [Adult]

Emilie Parker [Child]

Jack Pinto [Child]

Noah Pozner [Child]

Caroline Previdi [Child]

Jessica Rekos [Child]

Avielle Richman [Child]

Lauren Russeau [Adult]

Mary Sherlach [Adult]

Victoria Soto [Adult]

Benjamin Wheeler [Child]

Allison N. Wyatt [Child]

President Barack Obama delivered a statement on Friday by 3:15 p.m. EST, stating, "These children are our children and we're going to have to come together to take meaningful action." 

He added that the children will unfortunately never experience the upcoming holidays, birthdays, graduation, weddings, and having children of their own.

He ended his speech with, "In the words of scripture, heal the broken-hearted and bind up their wounds."