By Althea Serad ( | First Posted: Dec 31, 2015 06:25 AM EST

This can be really surprising.

The real key to weight loss may not be practices people have always thought to work.

Most would get into different diets, eat less and do more time on the treadmill to shed off excess pounds, but in what could be a shocking turn of events, it turns out that the solution to people's weight problems is more complicated than cliche activities.

Okay, are you ready to hear it?

It's your emotional state, according to a new study.

Emotions are part of everyone's natural lives that they're basically ignored, but apparently, they're more important than most actually think.

A new survey conducted by healthcare network Orlando Health has revealed how people's psychological relationship with food and exercise is crucial to weight management. 60 percent of participants said their biggest barriers to healthier weight are diet and exercise, but they're wrong since it would make things simpler.

According to nutritionist and registered dietitian Cynthia Sass, the new survey is true, since she sees the problem in most of her clients, who can pay for whatever services designed to manage their weight. However, she claims they still end up with emotional eating.

As noted on Yahoo!, the dietitian breaks down the four major emotions that present barriers to emotional health, thus creating unwanted weight loss and an overall unhealthy body.

Below is a summary of such emotions and what you can do to manage them:


Happiness is almost simultaneous with eating in today's culture, and let's admit it, most of the food we eat during special occasions can be unhealthy. This does not mention the daily fast food routine.

There's also the tendency to overeat, since such occasions are "rare."

Nonetheless, eating happiness away will add to your weight, so Sass recommends to celebrate with non-food ways. These recreational activities, which can be done either alone or with a group, include a walk in the park, arts and crafts projects, going on an out-of-town trip, ice skating, having a Cards Against Humanity game, or simply solo singing.


Eating away sad emotions is connected to what we have been accustomed to as children. Most of us were given a sweet treat when sad events occur, such as a pet dying or getting an injury. People have a tendency to re-live old patterns, which explains binge eating of sweets during sad moments.

Rather than eating, Sass suggests talking your emotions away, possibly to a friend. Doing "pacifying behaviors" also work, like having a warm bath, cuddling with a pet and watching sad movies for that much-needed cry.


Aggression is linked to food, and it's a "pretty common pattern" according to Sass. Instead of eating, the dietitian recommends physical or mental activities as alternatives, like cleaning, drawing, painting or even playing video games.


Anxiety and stress cause eating disorders. Some people lose appetite but others tend to overeat. While eating can be a temporary solution to fear, when constantly done, where would that take you?

According to Sass, it's best to address your feelings once and for all. Activities such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga, stretching, or even just talking are recommended.

Now that you know the real key to weight loss, it's easier to shed off pounds -- well, at least a little. Let's focus on those feelings!