By Staff Reporter ( | First Posted: Dec 13, 2015 07:56 AM EST

A resident from Virginia saw two large silver-colored cylinder-shaped UFOs silently flying above the night sky. The sighting is now being looked into by an investigative body.

The UFO sighting took place at about 12:15 p.m. on Dec. 4, 2016, according to Open Minds. The mysterious objects flew between Huntington Creek and Huntington Metro in South Alexandria. The incident is now being investigated by the Mutual UFO Network or MUFON under case number 72923.

MUFON prides itself as the world's oldest and largest UFO phenomenon investigative body. "We aim to be the inquisitive minds' refuge seeking answers to that most ancient question 'Are we alone in the universe,'" the network said on its website. MUFON is opening its doors to UFO enthusiasts, from the armchair UFO investigator to those who want to join the investigative team.

According to the witness, he saw the UFOs moving slowly. The source described the object as long silver cylinders. He went on saying that the mysterious aircraft did not have any wings or tail rudders. It also has no any identifiable markings, he recalled. The one flying lower has a flash of red, the witness added.

"The two craft flew together at the same speed but separated, by from what I could tell, less than 1/8 or less distance from each other. The higher one was flying between 2-3 o'clock, and the lower was at between 6-7 o'clock. Their speed - they were traveling between 25-35 miles-an-hour and the height less than a half mile, maybe closer," the witness claimed. Each of the flying object has a front end that is rounded and have no windows, the witness said.

"The tail end was slightly bulbous and both craft were, as far as I could see, were of the same make/size/shape. The only sounds I could hear was traffic from Huntington Avenue and from the Metro," he went on saying. He then saw the UFOs made a sharp U-turn westward, heading in the direction of Rose Hill.

MUFON was also investigating a UFO that reportedly followed Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump's chopper at Iowa State fair in August. MUFON had just also started investigating a UFO sighting of a two-year-old boy from Longmont, Col., under the case number 72981. The kid and his father reportedly saw a flying object which they described as barely visible.