By Sade Spence ( | First Posted: Nov 12, 2015 02:52 PM EST

"Ironic" is the 1995 smash hit from Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill. It seems in honor of its 20th anniversary she has taken a new spin on the 90s classic.

Morissette has taken an updated millennial-worthy take on her "Ironic" lyrics. She belts hilarious lyrics with lines like "an old friend sends you a Facebook request, you only find out their racist, after you accept" and "It's like Netflix and you own DVDs, it's a free ride, but you're Ubers down the street."

She sings along with James Corden of "The Late Late Show" in matching ensembles, dark sweaters and red beanies.

The pair get into a hysterical little spat over lyrics concerning the high number of male late night hosts, when Alanis wants "just one woman seriously!"

What may be funniest of all are the lyrics "It's like singing ironic, but there are no ironies."

The fully lyrics are below:

An old friend sends you a Facebook request

You only find out their racist, after you accept

There's free office cake, on the first day of your diet

It's like they announce a new iPhone, the day after you by it

And isn't it ironic?

Don't you think?

It's like swiping left, on your future soulmate

It's a Snapchat, that you wish you had saved

It's a funny tweet, that no body faves

And who would've thought, it figures

It's a traffic jam, when you tried to use Waze

And no smoking signs, when you brought your vaep

It's ten thousand male late night hosts, when all you want is just one woman,


Isn't it ironic?

Don't you think?

A little too ironic

And ya I really do think

It's like first class on a Southwest Plane,

Then you realize, that every seat is the same

It's like Amazon, but your package never came

And who would've thought

It figures

It's like Netflix, but you own DVDs

It's a free ride, but your Uber's down the street

It's singing ironic, but there are no ironies

And who would've thought

It figures

Life has a funny way

Of sneaking up on you

And life has a funny funny way

(inaudible singing)

... of helping you out