By Patrick Navarro ( | First Posted: Nov 11, 2015 07:12 AM EST

Virtual reality could be within your grasps as various new gears pegged to offer improved entertainment and gaming experience are within reach.

The latest virtual reality device available in the open is the Samsung Gear VR, something that costs for a pretty affordable price of around $100 from Best Buy.

It is actually the second generation Samsung Gear out in the open, something made possible through the collaboration of Samsung and Oculus VR. It is the first device designed for consumer, designed to serve up computer-generated virtual worlds as well as some viewing photos and videos on a different kind of way.

The Samsung Galaxy VR can be used by strapping a compatible mobile phone (including the latest Samsung Galaxy flagships – Note 5, S6 and S6 Edge+) up front, meaning one doesn’t have to worry about tripping over wires which the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive have.

The Galaxy VR comes with a full cast of sensors that includes accelerators and proximity sensors which account for the virtual reality experience. It should be something interesting to check out, something made of plastic whose actual function is to magnify the smartphone’s screen and project it on a wide scope or virtual reality.

The sensors do their trick by determining your head’s movement, a slight turn of which causes images to change to give users a pretty good feel of being in another virtual world.

For those who end up getting one, there are some games where you can try the Gear VR out with. That includes Land’s End, Bandit Six: Salvo and Dead Secret among others.

If not gaming, the Gear VR could be used to watch some movies from Netflix. Other than that, turning on Oculus Video will allow users to watch more than 70 films from 20th Century Fox or Lionsgate, not to mention 9,000 videos from Vimeo as well.

While the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift offer a lot more since they do come with better VR effects, graphics, and physical controls, the Gear VR’s wireless feature makes it a better choice.

Aside from that, the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift require a PC to function and cost more. Hence, why pay for a lot when you can get a complete package close to it at a lower price?

With the Holidays coming up, the Samsung Gear VR should be something worth checking out. And for a very reasonable $100, that is one cool gift to get or wish for.