By Sade Spence ( | First Posted: Nov 10, 2015 06:33 PM EST

Christmas is a time to be kind and gift others even if that means wrestling someone's mother to the ground for that perfect holiday gift... maybe?

Shockingly, a large number of adults admit they would knock someone down to get the perfect holiday gift for someone. A survey conducted by FusionOps revealed nearly half of Americans, 45 percent, predict tantrums could result from holiday gift shortages.

Moreover, 36 percent admit a shortage of smartphones would cause the biggest problems for consumers during the holiday season, while 23 percent admit they totally would be willing to "play dirty" if that's what it took to walk out of a store with the last hot holiday gift reports the survey.

Holiday gifts that are sure to rouse a few fistfights are shortages with smartphones, according to 36 percent of Americans. "Twenty-nine percent feel the biggest problem would be caused by video game shortages such as Guitar Hero Live, Call of Duty Black Ops 3, and Star Wars Battlefront; 28 percent cite a tablet shortage, 24 percent say Star Wars toys and 22 percent say smart watches," explains FusionOps.

In addition, the survey found the previous results are especially true of students age 18+ (36 percent) and parents with children under age 18 in the household (37 percent) compared to those with no children under age 18 in the household (16 percent).

Adults were asked who is responsible if family fights break out as a result of holiday gift shortages, Americans pointed the finger at manufacturer's first (37 percent), followed by retailers (27 percent), and then parents (13 parents). That is right, the pressure is on!

"Predicting the future is hard, no doubt, but with so many technology advancements surrounding consumers today, they are less forgiving and more frustrated with manufacturers that can't anticipate possible shortages," said Gary Meyers, CEO of FusionOps. "For businesses serious about brand reputation and customer loyalty, it is time to leverage the massive amount of business data to mitigate risk and maximize the sales opportunity that comes only once per year."

This survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Poll on behalf of FusionOps from October 15-19, 2015 among 2,014 adults ages 18 and older.

So while holiday shopping this season, be wary of flying fists!