By Sade Spence ( | First Posted: Sep 25, 2015 01:36 PM EDT

Good news Taco Bell fans. That employee who shoved his hand down his pants at work the other day, has been fired.

Seems like he was unaware of security cameras on the premises or just really did not care. But this perparator of sanitary standards faced the music all thanks to a photo posted in Reddit post.

The photos clearly shows an employee with his hand down the back of his pants while behind the counter at Taco Bell. The photos quickly rose through the ranks, wracking up a 3,460 comments. Some of the comments were Reddit users trying to figure out the exact location of this particular fast food restaurant. This establishment is in fact in Sandusky, Ohio, which one user was quick to point out "This is from a Sandusky, OH Taco Bell. Avoid the 250 location when you come out for Halloweekends!"

One poor soul, Reddit user LLCRad, unfortunately admitted to having just eaten a taco or two at that very restaurant.

"I definitely ate there for lunch today and THEN saw this posted by a friend on fb...sigh..."

Reddit user OBVIOUS_SALESMAN claimed that he was a spokesperson for Taco Bell and the fast food giant was taking care of the situation. "As a proud spokesman for Taco Bell, we would just like to give you a pat on the back for that comment. Let it be known that we take employee hygiene very seriously, but unfortunately, a few bad eggs slip between the cracks (pun intended)."

"This behavior is unacceptable and we promise to address this immediately. We sincerely apologize to all of our loyal customers, please don't let the poor actions of one employee tarnish our reputation," the user continued.

Taco Bell officially released the following statement: "This is completely unacceptable. Our franchisee took immediate action and has terminated the employee and retrained the entire staff. We want customers to know that the person in the photo was never in contact with the food, and that the Health Department inspected the restaurant and approved its operations."

While the Sandusky Registrar spoke with Erie County Health Commissioner Pete Schade who said the employee was a maintenance man and was not involved in food prep.