By Jose Serrano ( | First Posted: Sep 11, 2015 02:56 PM EDT

PBS host Tavis Smiley interviewed conservative commentator and New York Times bestselling author Ann Coulter on Wednesday's edition of his eponymous talk show.

The discussion quickly turned to Coulter's anti-immigration book "Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole;" which ties immigrants to murder, rape, and incest. Smiley didn't waste much time in picking Coulter's theories apart.

"Your argument suggests that if these other persons weren't here, that somehow we would be fairer and better by those who are already here," Smiley said. "The evidence doesn't support that. And that's why black people have been toiling for as long as they have been. Before somebody came across the border, black folks still weren't being respected. They were still the last hired and first fired."

Smiley disputed Coulter's claim that undocumented immigrants are taking jobs away from Americans, saying, "I don't know any black folk, I certainly don't know any white folk or anybody else, who's standing in line because they want to pick grapes."

Coulter contended that these grape-picking jobs only exist because "lazy farmers" refuse to use modern reaping techniques.

One of Smiley biggest gripes was with the assertion that black communities are suffering because of resources used on immigrants.

"The reason Americans are sensitive to race, the reason we have civil rights laws, the reason we have a 14th amendment is because of the black experience in America, it is because of slavery, it is because of Jim Crow and the idea that someone who arrived yesterday can just piggy-back onto that and claim the same rights...we're sensitive to this for one reason," Coulter said. "But meanwhile, you know what, affirmative action, it goes to immigrants. Why is that? We don't owe you anything!"

Smiley said he wasn't buying the argument, mainly because racial problems existed well before the country had an immigration problem. When he cited how black Americans are "still getting shot in the streets by white cops all the time," Coulter replied with "And by Mexicans."

Watch the full PBS interview below: