By Monica Antonio ( | First Posted: Sep 05, 2015 06:30 AM EDT

According to a research published via the Behavioral Science & Policy Association, stress at work is as dangerous to your health as second hand smoke.

Using meta-analysis, the researchers from Harvard Business School and Standford University, assessed 288 studies regarding the effect of 10 workplace stressors on four health outcomes. The researchers found out that high demanding jobs increase physician-diagnosed illness by 35 percent while long working hours increase mortality by almost 20 percent. The highest stressor is having no assurance in their job, which increases health danger by 50 percent.

"The results of our meta-analysis show that workplace stressors generally increased the odds of poor health outcomes to approximately the same extent as exposure to secondhand smoke," said the study.

Joel Goh, the study's co-author and assistant professor of business administration at Harvard Business School said, "When you think about how much time individuals typically spend at work, it's not that surprising," per CNN.

He further said that he hopes that the study will help companies in managing their staff. He even adds that increasing workload might look productive at first, but it is not helpful.

CNN notes some ways for employees to lessen their stress at work.

Write a work stress journal.

The Mayo Clinic suggests writing down the things that trigger your stress. It will help if you identify the cause of your stress such as talking with a particular person as it may not be your job that causes anxiety. Keeping a journal will help you know how to deal with this person to lessen your stress.

Ask yourself if you really like your job.

Psychologist Joanna Lipari said that individuals who love their work and "believe in what they are doing" deal with stress more effectively than those who dislike what they are doing. She adds that if you do not like your job, it might be helpful to shift careers or look for something that your are passionate about.

Assess yourself, do a reality check.

As per the study, worrying if you might lose your job increases 50 percent of health problems, so it will be helpful if you ask yourself if your job is really in danger or you're just overthinking.

Thinking about the "worst-case scenario" and having a plan b.

If you are still afraid of losing your job, Lipari says that it will be helpful to think and plan your course of action in advance such as updating your resume of asking friends and other connections if their company is hiring new employees.

Set work limits.

Telling your boss that you can't commit to working long hours and explaining why helps in lessening your stress. Lipari adds that being "project-oriented" is better than being "time-oriented."