By Myraine Carluen Policarpio ( | First Posted: Jul 19, 2015 08:16 PM EDT

Want to regain that 'figure' you used to have? On a weight loss diet? If yes, better have any of these fat flusher and detox drinks that would surely keep you hydrated, refreshed, rejuvenated, and energized. All these health benefits you enjoy without spending much.

Green, Orange, Red, and Violet - Rainbow Inspired Thirst Quenchers

The Green Smoothie. You can schedule the shifts of broccoli, spinach, and lettuce into this smoothie. Certified high in vitamins and minerals - all in one glass. The Recipe: Chop the broccoli, plop in the freezer, and let it stay for an hour or two. Put the frozen broccoli into your blender and add 8 ounces of filtered or distilled water. Gulp! You may also add banana or grapefruit to this smoothie to make the flavor more intense and extra refreshing.

All Organic, All Green Juice Recipe: Prepare some handful of spinach and parsley, english cucumber (cut into pieces), celery stalks, and lime. Wash them and put them all in the juicer. So healthy and cool!

Fresh-Squeezed Orange Juice. Boasting OJ's rich vitamins A and C, great source of magnesium and potassium, this drink helps boost metabolism and lower stress levels. The Recipe: Prepare the oranges, squeeze to bring all the juices out, pour in a glass, add water, and put in the pulps, too.

The Strawberry Lemonade. Boost your immune system and shed some pounds with strawberries - high in vitamin C and zinc. This drink aids in digestion, lowering cholesterol levels, and improving glucose tolerance. The good news: Juicing and drinking strawberries suppresses your appetite and also aids you in weight management and regulation.

The Blueberry Burp. Get back the shape you've always wanted. Eating and juicing blueberries can do magic in your metabolism, cholesterol and glucose levels, and appetite suppression. This drink is also found to aid in cutting down your body's fat reserves, which is good for attaining that 'flat belly' you've always dreamed of.

The Red Beet Juice. Perfect for women, red beet juice helps in the development and generation of red blood cells, high in potassium, iron, Vitamin C, and magnesium, and most of all, decreases the damage caused by enstrual and menopausal problems. Extracting the nutrients of this beetroot veggie and drinking the concoction several times in a day can be a good weight loss habit.

Oh So Fruity! Detox Water to Burn Fats and Lose Weight

Fill up your mason jars at home with these fruits and veggies, then add purified or distilled water. Let each delight soak for a couple of hours. Chill, add ice, and serve. Grab one everytime you feel the need to gulp and quench. This weight loss drink is also good to cleanse your body, flush away toxins, and wow, burn fats. More DIY detox water pitchers here.

Morning Kiwi Fruit Juice

Another green recipe to burn belly fats and cut flabs, too. Often called as King of Victoria C, kiwis are rich in fiber, vitamin C, and other minerals. So if you want to be healthy, beautiful and sexy all at the same time, juice a kiwi now and have some gulps every morning to start your day right!

Detoxifying Juice Concoctions - Carrot, Orange, Apple, and Spinach

Fruit and Veggie Combo. Rich in vitamins A, B, C and K, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron, this refreshing concoction is good to make you feel full without being overfed or feeling bloated. Perfect to replace unhealthy snacks and even meals, this smoothie aids in cleansing your body, boosting your energy levels, and improving health. The Recipe: Prepare all the hale and hearty ingredients, dunk them into your juicer, add water and ice, and voila, smoothie on the go. Drink right away to make the most out of the nutritious drink!

Water is always best. Keep your body hydrated by drinking eight glasses or more a day.

Flat tummy, no flabs or beer bellies - all these can be achieved if you focus on your goal of keeping yourself healthy more than your desire to lose weight. Have the discipline to kick a new and healthier start!