By I-Hsien Sherwood | ( | First Posted: Oct 17, 2012 03:21 PM EDT

Despite poor showings in several national polls, President Obama looks to be holding a tight grip on crucial swing states around the country, though it may not be for long.

This is good news for the president on a day when a Gallup poll shows Republican challenger Mitt Romney finally breaking through the margin of error to take the lead.

The situation is likely not as dire for the president as it looks at first, because his positive performance in last night's debate will probably be reflected in polls in the next few days, leading to a more balanced race.

But new swing state polls today have Obama leading in all of them. A new Marquette University poll shows Obama up in Wisconsin by a point, 49 percent to Romney's 48 percent.

A Rasmussen poll in New Hampshire also shows Obama up by 1 point, 50 percent to 49 percent.

And two polls in Nevada, one by LVRJ and another by Rasmussen both show Obama up by 3 points over Romney, though the Rasmussen poll found higher support for both candidates in general and fewer undecided voters.

YouGov also released a slew of polls in 25 states, including every swing state, which show eroding support for the president, though he still leads most places.

These polls are resurveys of the same respondents from similar polls earlier in the year, a technique which can highlight trends in public sentiment.

In Colorado, the YouGov poll shows Obama holding onto a 3-point lead over Romney, but that is down from 5 points in September, before the first presidential debates.

In Florida, YouGov puts Obama a point up, though he was 2 points up last month.

In Virginia, Obama is up by 1 point, though he led by 4 points in September.

In Iowa, Obama's lead shrank to 4 points, but both he and Romney increased their supporters, 50 percent and 46 percent, respectively.

In Wisconsin, Obama pulled ahead, leading by 4 points when a month ago he and Romney were tied.

In Nevada, Obama still leads substantially, though only by 5 points instead of 7 like last month.

And in North Carolina, Romney continues to lead, though Obama closed the gap a bit, trailing by a single point.

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