By I-Hsien Sherwood | ( | First Posted: Oct 17, 2012 04:26 PM EDT

While the press marveled at Obama's comeback in the second presidential debate, celebrities took to their preferred form of communication, Twitter, to expound upon the candidates' performances.

Who better to judge a stage act than actors?

"This is the Obama I voted for. #debate," tweeted comedian Patton Oswalt, immediately preceded by, "'This ain't the same guy...' -- Romney, in his head right now. #debate."

"If Romney gave some of these answers in primary debates, crowd wld have devoured him; nothing but a clump of magic undies and black hair dye," tweeted comedian and million-dollar Obama donor Bill Maher.

The ribbing of Romney continued all night. Comedian Sarah Silverman tweeted, "@MittRomeny is one of the most progressive thinkers of 1950."

"Romney continues adorable streak, insisting 'government does not create jobs,' then insisting HIS government will create jobs. #wtf #debate," tweeted actress Aisha Tyler.

Actress and activist Eva Longoria took issue with Romney's plans for women's healthcare. "Mitt Romney just completely lied on his stance on contraception - he would put your boss between women and their doctors. https://OFA.BO/upnZdR #SketchyDeal," she tweeted.

Actress Eliza Dushku felt similarly. "Starting to stutter talking about equal pay for women. #Mitt #sinking," she tweeted.

Journalist and political commentator E.J. Dionne praised moderator Candy Crowley, tweeting, "Glad to see Candy Crowley @CrowleyCNN trying to keep the facts straight. Fact do matter. #debate."

Actor Wil Wheaton commented when Romney tied gun violence to single parents. "Way to go, PARENTS. It's ALL YOUR FAULT there's gun violence in America. #SoSayethTheRomney," he tweeted.

And comedian Sandra Bernhard took Romney to task for claiming he'd be tough on China, tweeting, "invest and grow in america? you sent them all overseas with #bain you'll make sure china plays by the rules?"

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