By Staff Writer ( | First Posted: Jun 28, 2014 05:00 AM EDT

Fresh gameplay screenshots, a new cover, and exciting new features will be greeting fans of Madden 15.

In a report by Hardcore Gamer, Madden NFL 15 is the next version of the series, after EA celebrated the 25th anniversary of Madden in 2013 with Madden NFL 25. The game developers, EA Sports, promised that the new game would feature added details and very fluid movements of the football characters. Gamers will especially appreciate the in-game screenshots, particularly the realistic facial features and recorded commentaries.

According to EA Sports, gamers get more control when playing defense. There are several new controls for pass rush moves, tackling mechanics to guard the entire field as well as an improved zone and man coverage logic. This time, gamers can expect complete delivery on defense, regardless of which part of the field they are currently focused on. There are also defensive player lock cameras.

Player Sense 2.0 will be available in Madden NFL 15, which will be the smartest Madden so far. Player emotion, head tracking, contextual awareness, reach tackles and several other aspects were enhanced by the game developers to make sure that the human element will be felt by gamers throughout. The Real AI 2.0 also boosts the decision-making capabilities of computer-controlled NFL players. Quarterbacks are able to calculate various passing strategies and can analyze defenders before throws. The game becomes more challenging even when playing alone.

Several graphic details were enhanced in Madden NFL 25. Madden NFL 25 set the pace by improving the details of previous versions 10 times. Madden NFL 15 is even better, offering very rich details and player likeness. The lighting was improved by fixing the exposure system. Colors are richer in various weather conditions. Gamers will notice the enhancements on ambient lighting and night lighting. Characters are fully reflective and will reflect light coming from the surroundings. As a result, players come to life like never seen before.

Even the details on the coaches were improved to give particular likeness. Player scanning allowed the game to make the faces and bodies of the players similar to the real one. The details on the players are obvious, including the sweat, pores and tattoos. The new version also features the new 3D-enabled grass during game play. Instead of being a texture, the grass now uses "infinite grass" technology for a realistic look.

Below are some in-game screenshots.