By Freelance Writer ( | First Posted: Apr 29, 2014 07:02 AM EDT

Is Rihanna feeling broody? Is she about to get hitched to Drake and live happily ever after?

RiRi's pals are said to be suspecting that the 26-year-old singer is raring to start a family with the rapper, whom she first dated in 2009, according to

"She feels like she's been working nonstop and wants to step away for a while. Rihanna's also been talking about marrying Drake, but most of all she wants his baby," a mole whispered to British publication Now. "They could end up having a shotgun wedding."

Uh oh, what's the matter, RiRi? Not happy with how your career's going right now? Or maybe Drake's too good a man to let out of your grasp?

"She's seen her friends have kids and fees like she's missing out. She really wanted a baby when things were good with Chris Brown, but their relationship was too volatile. Everything's much more settled now that she's with Drake," the insider continued.

So, she must be feeling a little envious of her baby-toting pals, then!

According to the Irish news source, Rihanna "doesn't want to waste any time with Drake," as a tour with Eminem is looming over the horizon.

"Even when she reunited with Chris and dated Matt Kemp, Drake was always in the background. Their bond's very strong. The way she's feeling right now, she may even have a baby bump when she goes on stage," the source concluded.

When that happens, we bet RiRi's going to show how to style up a baby bump and make pregnancy look cool and fashionable.

However, this bit of news may spark polarized reactions among fans and showbiz observers. Hollywood Life's Bonnie Fuller, for example, has already declared that "it's too soon" for the diva to have a baby.

"Let me advise you to continue having a blast in your new relationship with Drake. Take the time to get to know each other and make sure that you're right for each other before you make any deeper, permanent commitment," Fuller wrote.

"Babies are beautiful and wonderful but they are a lifetime of work, and a baby will need both of its parents to give it emotional and financial loving support for the rest of its life. Rihanna, are you and Drake in any way ready to commit to doing all of that? Something tells me that you are just not in that place right now."

Do you agree with Fuller's observation? Comment and let us know!