By Jorge Calvillo ( | First Posted: Apr 21, 2014 08:39 PM EDT

At least 20 people were injured on Sunday before an Easter concert in a Florida church, when a driver lost control of her car and crashed against the building.

According to first reports from the News-Press, a young Hatian woman was trying to park outside the building of the Second Haitian Baptist Church at around 8 p.m. on Sunday, moments before an Easter concert.

Victor Medico, a police lieutenant from Fort Myers told the media that the driver, whose identity has not been revealed, assured that the crash was due to a mechanical failure, possibly with the brakes, which caused her car, a Lexus, to crash against the church, destroying a wall and various benches.

According to María Briggs, spokesperson for the Lee Memorial Health System, at least 18 people were internted in different hospitals of Lee County, after church members used hydraulic jacks to lift the vehicle and rescue various church-goes trapped underneath.

Besides the 18 people sent to hospitals, another three had minor injuries and there were no fatal victims from the crash.

The police revealed that the driver of the car had been looking for a parking spot when apparently her car had a mechanical failure and crashed against the church wall, highlighted The Independent.

The police started an investigation to determine the causes of the incident and for the moment they have not revealed whether charges will be pressed against the driver.

Video via NBC.