By Desiree Salas ( | First Posted: Mar 31, 2014 04:10 AM EDT

Spring is here! And so are the house cleaning chores!

If the mere thought of cleaning makes you wish Spring would never arrive, think of it this way -- it's the perfect time to impress people with your housekeeping skills and bright cleaning ideas. You can even take photographs of your handiwork and post them on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and make your friends go, "Wow, what a busy body! I haven't even started with mine!"

Of course, there are more excuses than action when it comes to tidying up. We thought we'd like to help you accomplish your spring cleaning plans with these tips:

  • Make Time

    "It will not get done in one day. If you're planning a day to spring clean with your family, make sure you all know it won't be done in one day - unless of course your house is a) super tidy or b) you only have one messy room," The Huffington Post counseled. You can opt to set aside an hour each day to get specific tasks done or just schedule the cleaning during the weekends, assigning a couple of Saturdays for this job. The sooner you get it done, the better -- so stick to your schedule.

  • Create a List

    Don't let a missing tool, storage solution, or cleaning product stop you from finishing your tasks and avoid time wasters by assessing what needs to be done in each room of your house and listing all of them down, including the items you need to accomplish just that.

  • Get What You Need

    Go to the grocery or DIY store armed with your ultimate "spring cleaning list" and get everything you need. Getting eco-friendly products is highly recommended.

  • Start with the Small Tasks

    Feeling overwhelmed by your spring cleaning project/to-do list? You can start with the laundry and work your way from there, which means organizing your closets comes next to that. Or you could start with tidying up your desk and work through the room from that starting point. The important thing is to actually get started.

  • Clean One Room at a Time

    This helps keep you from feeling overwhelmed and confused. Focus on organizing and cleaning up one room and resist the urge to go and do a little dusting in the next room before you're even done with the current one. If you have family members who could help you, have them start in the next room. Keep kids close by and assign them little tasks - they're less likely to finish on their own as they're likely to get distracted at some point.

  • Don't Hesitate to Purge

    Haven't used that thingamajig in 6 months? Maybe a year? It's best tossed out of storage and into the "charity" bin, which brings us to our next point.

  • Donate What You Don't Need

    This should encourage you to get your spring cleaning going. Think of this project as an opportunity for you to give something for charity - with a side benefit of making your home or office spankingly clean and tidy.

Have you any tried-tested-and-proven spring cleaning tips to share with us?