By Jorge Calvillo ( | First Posted: Mar 18, 2014 01:33 AM EDT

Jan Brewer, Arizona's controversial Governor, an American state that in recent years has been harshly criticized for the approval, and eventual suspension, of a series of law initiatives against illegal immigrants and the LGBT community will not be running for a third term, local media reported.

According to a report released by the AFP, Governor Brewer was in charge of confirming the news on Wednesday, assuring that there is "a time to be, and a time to leave", in reference to speculations on her possible reelection for a third term as a Governor.

The 69 year old Republican will be remembered as one of the governors who faced immigration most harshly by approving the controversial SB-1070 law, a measure that criminalized undocumented immigrants, and is one of President Obama's main oppositors.

As Arizona's Secretary of State, Brewer got immediate succession in 2009, when the then Democrat Governor, Janet Napolitano, became Secretary of Homeland Security in Obama's administration, according to Reuters.

Before confirming that she would step away from the elections later this year in Arizona, Brewer analyzed the possibility of taking a state law to court which says that one person can only occupy the position of Governor for two consecutive terms, a measure that was finally removed when she removed herself from the upcoming elections.

Despite being considered one of the United State's most conservative Governors, Jan Brewer has also surprised members of her own party, as what happened last year when she signed a law to expand Medicaid, as a part of a national agreement promoted by President Obama in the context of the Affordable Healthcare Law, according to Reuters.

With Brewer out of the equation, Arizona's next Governor could be Secretary of State Ken Bennett, State Treasurer Doug Ducey and Mesa Mayor, Scott Smith among others.