By Jorge Calvillo ( | First Posted: Mar 06, 2014 12:37 AM EST

The most popular image of the 86th Academy Awards Ceremony was without a doubt the selfie taken with the smartphone of host Ellen DeGeneres.

The popular photograph has not only become the most shared in Twitter's history by being shared by 3 million users of the social network, the furor caused by this image which captured some of the most famous personalities of cinema of the moment will also help to support a noble cause.

Ellen DeGeneres herself revealed in her TV show, one of the most watched in American television, that South Korean company Samsung, the company that developed the cellphone with which the iconic photograph was taken, will donate one dollar for every retweet of the picture taken by actor Bradley Cooper.

According to the NBC's website, the picture which made history on social networks on Sunday by becoming the most shared picture in Twitter's history, the traffic of which crashed the social network's service for over 20 minutes, was taken with a Galaxy Note 3, which is notably bigger than an iPhone and was designed by Samsung, although the company did not pay for the use of the camera during DeGeneres' segment and the South Korean company was also not mentioned by name on the air while the picture was taken.

Nevertheless, the three million retweets that the picture has reached will help to donate one million and a half dollars to the children's research hospital St. Jude's and another million and a half for the Humane Society, according to Los Angeles Times.

Samsung was one of the companies sponsoring the Academy Awards, and paid an estimated 20 million dollars in commercials during the pauses in the ceremony's broadcast; however, it did not expect DeGeneres to use one of their devices to take the popular picture, and the company said it is "excited to see how Ellen organically incorporated a device for the selfie moment," highlighted website TechCrunch.