By Staff Reporter ( | First Posted: Jan 05, 2014 10:20 PM EST

The trailer of the second installment of "Captain America" was "well received" and got Marvel aficionados "excited," according to Hypable. But all the excitement was more than just about the butt-kicking action of the movie.

If you've seen the trailer yourself, as well as the new Empire magazine cover, you'll notice how they tweaked the patriotic superhero's costume. As the sequel is named "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", it appears that the outfit modification was done for better insulation so that Chris Evans' suit would do a better job of protecting him from nicks, cuts, and blows. What do you think?

Instead of the signature tight, shiny red-white-and-lots-of-blue suit that the character is known for, the new costume is looser, bulkier, and of a slightly different shade of blue and is emblazoned with a gray star-and-stripes insignia on the chest. It looks like the color palette was purposely redone to make the character appeal to audiences outside the United States, given that Captain America's costume was originally based on the U.S. flag.

So, what will Steve Rogers a.k.a Captain America be doing in part 2? notes:

"Captain America: The Winter Soldier will pick-up where Marvel's The Avengers left off, as Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and teams up with Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson), aka Black Widow, to battle a powerful yet shadowy enemy in present-day Washington, D.C."

MTV noted our hero will be battling an old-friend-turned-enemy in the person of Bucky Barnes, "World War II veteran and longtime friend of Steve Rogers." He's no longer the "wise-cracking sharp-shooter battling the forces of HYDRA", but is now "a shaggy-haired super-spy, mysteriously operating in the modern-day" like his old pal, although on the other side of the trenches. Sebastian Stan plays Cap's nemesis.

That last scene in the trailer showing Bucky catching Captain America's shield with perfect ease should give fans a clue on the kind of trouble the blue-suited hero will be facing in part 2.

Directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" will be in theaters on April 4.