By Jorge Calvillo ( | First Posted: Nov 23, 2013 02:27 PM EST

It's no secret obesity has been on the rise across the Americas over the last few decades, and the Latino community in the United States is particuarly vulnerable. Such is the case of Miguel Blancarte Jr., a young Latino from Chicago that has struggled with obesity throughout his life. However, Blancarte was determined to turn his life around, and lost an incredible 180 pounds in just eight months by following a strict diet. 

The young Latino recnetly spoke to ABC, explaining the obstacles he faced when he was obese, the challenge he set for himself and the results of eight months of hard work, noting that his own doctor monitored his weight loss without any pills or surgeries.

Miguel points out that he not only changed his food, but also decided to have a less sedentary life, starting by walking and then running to improve his cardio, challenging himself every day.

Miguel's condition improved as months passed and when he lost enough weight, he decided to run his first marathon at the "Día de los Muertos 5K" in November in Chicago, launching a campaign to raise funds for the organizers, promoting his weight loss and telling his story.

Through his Twitter account, Miguel Blancarte Jr. shared some pictures of the marathon and his experience, including a before-and-after picture of his weight loss.

Watch the interview with ABC here: