By Jorge Calvillo ( | First Posted: Mar 18, 2014 01:42 AM EDT

Last Friday, October 4 a teacher from a Mexican school forced her female students to strip naked and touched their intimate parts, as a measure to identify those responsible for a moral violation against the institution.

According to website Animal Político, the events took place in the community of El Saladillo, in the state of Zacatecas, where the teacher forced the female students of the "Ramón López Velarde" school to strip naked to verify whether they were on their menstrual period because a sanitary towel was found stuck to a wall in the school's bathrooms.

With the intention of finding out who was guilty, the teacher and the school's janitor asked the students to show her bodies, and the teacher touched the intimate parts of the teenagers, who refused to strip naked to verify whether they were on their period or not.

News website SDP Noticias explains that close to 70 mothers expressed their indignation, however, only 20 reported what had happened at the school, along with several civil organizations.

A committee organized by the mothers demands that psychological attention be provided for each of the abused students, because they might have developed emotional trauma after being exposed in class, and also demanded that sexual education classes be taught.

"We're not willing to let our daughters be abused", the mothers said in a statement quoted by the website. The women made it clear that they would not tolerate that minors be exposed in this manner, and said that the school violated the privacy of each of the students and violated their rights, when they were forced by an authority to do something they did not want to.

Mexican website SDP Noticias said that this event was an attack on the integrity of the students, and points out that this was a "drastic and inappropriate" measure from school authorities.

On its part, authorities responsible for the school threatened the students and their families not to go public with what had happened, and said that they would have to close the school indefinitely.