By Bary Alyssa Johnson ( | First Posted: Oct 15, 2013 06:40 PM EDT

San Diego's ex-Mayor Bob Filner, who was virtually ousted from office in August over numerous allegations of sexual harassment, pleaded guilty on Tuesday in the San Diego Superior Court to three criminal counts related to these allegations.

According to a report from USA Today, Filner pleaded guilty to a felony count of false imprisonment "by violence, fraud, menace and deceit." The former Mayor also pleaded guilty to two counts of misdemeanor battery. reports that the three charges involved three unidentified victims on three separate occasions.

The felony charge was the result of an incident that occurred on March 6 in which Filner reportedly used force to "overcome the resistance of a woman...violating her liberty" at a fundraiser they both attended.

Filner's first battery charge was the result of an incident that occurred on April 6 when he kissed one of the victims on the lips at an event called "Meet the Mayor." The other battery charge stemmed from an incident that went down at a rally on May 25 when he touched another victim's derriere while she posed for a photo with him.

"This conduct was not only criminal, it was also an extreme abuse of power," said California Attorney General Kamala Harris. "This prosecution is about consequence and accountability. Nobody is above the law."

The ex-Mayor is slated to return to court for sentencing on December 9.

Filner resigned his mayoral post in August after settling another lawsuit alleging sexual harassment. Reports indicate that at least 18 different women have accused him of sexual harassment.

The Washington Post reports that according to Attorney General Harris, Filner will avoid jail time as a result of his plea agreement. He will, however, serve three months of home confinement followed by three years of probation. He will also forego part of his mayoral pension and has agreed not to run for office again.

A special election to replace Filner as Mayor is scheduled for November 19.