By Frank Lucci ( | First Posted: Oct 11, 2013 05:04 PM EDT

Saints Row 4 has been a big hit with fans as well as critics ever since it was released on Aug. 20, and though it may have since been overshadowed by Grand Theft Auto 5, the open world crime game has it's fair share of followers. Now, developer Deep Silver has announced to IGN that the game's first story-based DLC, Enter the Dominatrix, will be launched on Oct. 22.

Enter the Dominatrix originally started out life as a DLC pack for the third game in the series, but original publisher THQ's bankruptcy and the franchise's move to Deep Silver changed those plans.

Deep Silver also announced that the second and final mission-based DLC for the game, How the Saints Saved Christmas will be available before the end of the year. No word on any specific content within that DLC package yet, but it would not be surprising to see players take on Christmas-themed bad guys and maybe even lay the smackdown on old Saint Nick himself during the bonus missions.

Enter the Dominatrix will be a part of Saints Row 4's season pass, but for those without the season pass the DLC will cost $6.99. The second DLC pack, How the Saints Saved Christmas, will most likely be priced the same way.

Saints Row 4 takes players to Steelport once again, only this time the Saints have managed to get one of their members elected President of the United States. This is just in time for aliens to invade the Earth and transport the players to a virtual reality version of the city. Players will be able to use outrageous weaponry as well as superpowers to fight the aliens and save the planet.

The game may be the last entry in the series for some time, as the developer Volition focuses on other projects and refresh their creative batteries after the over-the-top madness in Saints Row 4. Perhaps the series will eventually make it's way to next-gen systems, but until then this new DLC is the best way to get more Saints Row action for the time being.