By Frank Lucci ( | First Posted: Oct 08, 2013 04:21 PM EDT

Bioshock Infinite's latest Buried at Sea DLC is one of the most anticipated DLC add-ons coming out in 2013, as it will allow players to explore the underwater city of Rapture before the events of the first two games in the series. Now, developer Irrational has released a video of the first five minutes of part one of the DLC, and it reveals a little of what fans can expect from the extra content.

The game begins with Booker Dewitt waking up in his office on Dec. 31, 1958, around 46 years after the events of the Bioshock Infinite. A more mature looking Elizabeth wanders into Booker's familiar office, wondering if he will help her with some work. At first her face is hidden, and Booker does not recognize her. The video takes a strange turn as Elizabeth pulls out a cigarette and Booker flicks his fingers together to conjure up fire to light it. Booker appears to have no recollection of the events of Bioshock Infinite.

Elizabeth came to Booker looking for help finding a little girl, Sally, who Booker believes to be dead. Booker follows Elizabeth outside of his office to reveal Rapture and the familiar underwater setting seen in the original Bioshock games.

This is the Rapture that was hinted at in previous games of the series, before the city turned dystopian. The luxury of the area is apparent, and there is little of the gloom and wreckage found in the first two games of the Bioshock series. People are seen milling about and enjoying themselves as they prepare to bring in the New Year. Whales and turtles are seen swimming by the windows, and some familiar sites are also seen in passing.

Booker and Elizabeth see some Little Sisters being shepherded by a matronly woman, and Elizabeth is unfamiliar with what happened to them, confusing Booker. As the pair make their way through the area a Big Daddy is seen outside drilling into the rock nearby. Various snippets of conversation reveal that citizens of Rapture hold very similar views to the citizens of Columbia.

Elizabeth seems fairly hostile towards Booker, and when they get a chance to talk while in an elevator it is revealed that Sally is Booker's daughter, and a friend of his assured him that she was dead, which Elizabeth questions. Elizabeth is leading Booker to a man who may know the true fate of his little girl, ironic considering the ending of Bioshock Infinite.

While no action is shown in this preview, it does set up the Buried at Sea plot quite well and it will be intriguing to see where the game's plot will go.