By Francisco Salazar ( | First Posted: Oct 06, 2013 10:08 PM EDT

The fourth week of the "Mira Quien Baila" opened with a performance by Prince Royce who sang his new hit "Darte un Beso."

Following the performance Marjorie de Sousa opened the dance floor to Mane de la Parra's song. Bianca Marroquin said that she was technically perfect but that she did not feel the song. Ninel Conde said Sousa had good energy but sometimes lost it while Horacio Villalobos loved the performance.

Johnny Lozada later danced to a song sung by Maria Elisa Camargo. Before Conde graded Lozada she corrected her mistake from the week before. Conde had told Lozada that he was not "macho" enough to dance the Regional Mexicano. She apologized and later Villalobos defended Conde. Conde then evaulated Lozada and said he had a better performance from the week before. Villalobos said that Lozada looked like he was having a hard time doing the choreography. Maroquin agreed and noted that he had difficulty carrying his dancer. However, she said he was solid.  

Later Yolandita Monge danced to Many Manuel's song. Villalobos said she was amazing while Marroquin said she was intense. Conde congraulated her for the perfectly executed dance.

The next performer was Mailillany Marin who danced to Graciela Beltran's song. Marroquin said it was well executed but she needed to be more agile and precise. Conde said she really like it a lot because it was passionate and energetic. Villalobos said Marin was fine but her face looked like she was worried the whole time.        

Pedro Moreno then danced a salsa and was given favorable reviews. Conde enjoyed the performance and said he could loosen up. Villalobos said he could be more fluid but was overall solid. Marroquin loved his stage presence.

Graciela Beltran later danced to Marin's song. Villalobos said that she was terrible while Beltran admitted she was a disaster. Marroquin said she was lost and did not understand what happened on the dance floor. Conde said she lacked agility. Beltran then said she improvised the choreography because she was nervous.

De La Parra later danced to Sousa's song. Marroquin liked the chemistry between De La Parra and his dancer. She also liked his interpretative skills, while Conde enjoyed his facial expressions. Villalobos said that he was agile because the song continuously changed rythms.

The famous band Menudo reunited for Carmago's dance. Conde enjoyed her energy but Marroquin said she did not improve from the week before. Villalobos said that it was well performed but there were some parts where they looked worried by the difficult sections of the dance.

Manuel later danced to Monge's song. Conde said he had great emotions but was too heavy for the dance. Villalobos said he was not very good while Marroquin appreciated Manuel's connection. However, she said that he looked insecure.

Following Manuel's dance Beltran said she wanted to leave because it was too stressful. It was then announced that Monge was saved and that Beltran was eliminated.

After the commercial break it was announced that Monge had left the studio because she wanted to leave the program. However, no one understood why. The judges announced that Manuel, Marin and Camargo would have to dance again.

The three stars later performed another dance and it was announced that Camargo was saved. Marin and Manuel were nominated and are in danger of elimination.