By Jorge Calvillo ( | First Posted: Aug 21, 2013 02:37 PM EDT

The talented American actress, Jessica Alba, recently confessed that she suffers from both cellulite and stretch marks on her skin, according People En EspañolAlba, who can be seen this October in the movie "Machete Kills," said in an interview with the British edition of Women's Health magazine that she suffers from cellulite, stretch marks and lacks the will to exercise to get rid of them. "When I'm exercising, I'm no good. I get really bored," Alba told the magazine. 

According to La Razón, Alba pointed out that she not only lacks the will to focus on exersicing but that she also hates gym routines. "I hate exercising. In the gym, I have like five things distracting me: the TV, the iPod, magazines. Gym partners are good too, then you can chat and not sink in your own misery alone," the actress said. 

Despite not being able to exercise to revert her skin imperfections, Alba pointed out that she has carried out a strict diet since she was little. "I began to cook for myself at 12 years old, because most of the food my family consumed was processed," she said. "I wanted to eat fresh. I removed microwaveable processed food, things with too much salt and tried to eat more natural food, things prepared in a kitchen instead of a factory."

In March, the actress told Women's Health that despite her lack of will, her favorite exersicing activities are dance classes, which she finds to be very fun because she has to follow a rhythm and listen to music. She also pointed out that whenever she's in New York she prefers to do indoor exersices in group classes.

Jessica Alba is the mother of two daughters she had with her current partner, Cash Warren, who is the son of actor Michael Warren. After giving birth, she quickly recovered the slender figure she has boasted throughout her career as a film and television actress.