By Frank Lucci ( | First Posted: Jul 25, 2013 01:42 PM EDT

Gearbox has confirmed that their upcoming DLC planned for Borderlands 2 will not be covered by the game's season pass, announcing to Polygon that the "season has ended."

The long rumored Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2, which Gearbox has promised to deliver sometime before the end of October, will cost gamers $5, whether or not they previously bought the game's season pass. Gearbox explained that they only planned for the season pass to cover the four story campaigns that ended with Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, which was released at the end of June. Gearbox now plan to let gamers pick and choose which DLC they want to purchase:

"In April we celebrated the success of Borderlands 2 by thanking our most passionate fans, the Season Pass holders, by including the first Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack in the Season Pass...We were excited to give Season Pass holders $45 of value instead of the original promise of $40. Through the course of our grand experiment, we've also learned that fans are happy with an a la cart menu for DLC because they can pick and choose the content that they most want to buy and really customize their Borderlands 2 experience."

In addition to the content found in the Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2, Gearbox is planning Headhunter DLC missions that find players fighting special bosses for additional skins and loot. Gearbox is also releasing new head and skins packs for players to customize their characters even more. Gearbox is happy that loyal fans of Borderlands 2 have stuck with the game and continued to make the game and it's DLC a success. As Gearbox said in the interview:

"They're voting with their wallets - and we are grateful that there are enough of them asking that we can justify the cost of developing the content,"

Some fans may be disappointed they will no longer be getting DLC as part of the season pass, as Gearbox said they had already delivered above and beyond what was expected of them, and should be happy they are still getting new content as the game approaches it's first birthday. Once these last DLC packs are released, Gearbox can begin developing for the next generation of consoles, including the inevitable Borderlands 3.

Look out for more Borderlands 2 DLC news, including release dates for the upcoming DLC, right here.