By Peter Lesser ( | First Posted: Jul 11, 2013 04:02 PM EDT

When you fall in love with something, it can be difficult to watch it change. You don't want to let it go. If it's not broke, then don't fix it. But sometimes it's beyond your control. No matter how hard you try, things become different. What you once knew and loved evolves into something else. Although it can be difficult and at times impossible, it's important to try and embrace the change. Deep down, there's still a piece of what you fell in love with in the first place.

For fans of the hit series "The Walking Dead," these are recently felt sentiments. As the show gears up for its fourth season, fans worry that new showrunner Scott Gimple will take the show in a new, unfamiliar direction. Of course it will still be the same show with the same fundamental plotlines, but the vibe could easily change its course. Gimple says his approach will take on more character-driven stories and implement a "remix" of Robert Kirkman's source material, which he's been reading for the past 10 years. However confident he may seem, there's still a pang of fear in his heart, naturally.

"I have a healthy amount of fear in my life, making my wife lasagna and any of those things," he said during an interview with The Hollywood Reporter. "I was freaked out the first script I did here [during season two]. So when they offered me the showrunner job, I certainly had a little bit of healthy fear. But the No. 1 thing is I love this show, I love this cast, I love this crew. Working with everybody here was amazing."

"The only thing I get freaked out about is that I get a great deal of support from everybody," he added. "They want this show to succeed; they want me to succeed. And really, doing right by them and the fans, that's it."

And in regards to his "remix" approach, Gimple will portray big moments from the comic in different context, but with the same purpose. For example, The Governor on the TV show is a different character than the Governor of the comic," he said. "You will recognize a bunch of those big moments this season, but you will also see that they aren't exactly the same as they panned out in the comic, and you'll know why because of where the story is now. Daryl Dixon is a huge part of the show and he's not in the comic. The stories that happen involve him heavily and he, as a character, changes those stories. That happens in so many ways through our story."

"The Walking Dead" will return to AMC October 13.