By Frank Lucci ( | First Posted: Jul 11, 2013 01:14 AM EDT

It was announced earlier this year that Microsoft would be getting rid of its Microsoft Points currency in favor of using actual currency like the PlayStation 3 and Steam. However, some U.K. beta testers are reporting that the price for content has gone up in the conversion from Microsoft Points to real-life currency.

Reports are coming in from Reddit users, which indicate that a price hike of about 30 percent comes with the currency changeover. According to the reports, 400 MSP games now cost £4.49 ($6.68 in U.S. dollars), but 400 existing Microsoft Points will convert to £3.33 ($4.96). 800MSP games are costing £8.99($13.38), but 800 MP becomes £6.66 ($9.91). 1200 MSP games are coming in now at £11.99 ($17.85), however 1200 MSP turn into £10 ($14.89) after the update. Finally, 1600 MSP games that cost £14.99 ($22.32), however players will get £13.33 ($19.84) for their 1600 MSP.

It is unknown if this update will affect users outside of the U.K., or if this is a possible error in the beta that Microsoft needs to fix. It will be interesting to see if this trend continues in other countries, and if Microsoft is planning to raise prices for all the digital content on its devices. However, users may want to spend their Microsoft Points now—especially if they get shortchanged in the conversion to real money.

Whatever the case may be in the future, it is a solid move by Microsoft to switch to real currency in time for the Xbox One. But if Microsoft is plotting to change how much it charges for games, expect a statement about this news very soon.