By Ryan Matsunaga ( | First Posted: Jul 09, 2013 01:14 AM EDT

Aliens: Colonial Marines lives on, somehow. A piece of upcoming DLC has inadvertently been confirmed by a list of the game's trophies that has made its way online thanks to PS3 Trophies.

The story-based DLC will be titled Stasis Interrupted, and will be the final piece of content to be included in the game's season pass. It will also be the first single-player-centric DLC for the title.

The various trophies include awards for completing portions of the story, collecting audio logs, and completing the mission on its hardest difficulty. You can read the full list of trophies below.

Thank You, That Will Be All: Complete Stasis Interrupted at any difficulty

I'm Happy to Disappoint You: Complete Stasis Interrupted in Ultimate Badass

We're Still Collating: Find all Stasis Interrupted Audio Logs

I Only Need to Know One Thing: Find your family

They Can Bill Me: Destroy the Legato

I Don't Got All Day: Sever the umbilical without missing a shot

They're Dead! OK? Can We Go Now?: Kill all the Lurkers in Sulaco engineering

Now What Are We Supposed to Do?: Escape the FTL ship

We Are Leaving!: Survive the Queen escape

It's the Only Way to Be Sure: Destroy all samples in the labs of the Queen module

Despite incredibly tepid reviews and a very negative consumer reaction, SEGA announced in May that the game had somehow shipped 1.31 million copies. When it was released on Feb. 12, 2013, the game topped the UK all formats chart. GfK Chart-Track reported that it was the biggest UK release of the year and the game debuted at number six in the United States. 

In the aftermath of its release, the game has garnered significant controversy as details of its troubled production have come to light. While Gearbox Software was initially behind the title, much of the game was outsourced to three different studios, resulting in an unfinished game being rushed through certification to meet the ship date.