By Selena Hill ( | First Posted: Jun 10, 2013 05:36 PM EDT

Corinne Federer may have captured an extraterrestrial sighting in the eye of her camera lens as she was visiting the landmark Muiderslot Castle in the Netherlands late last month.

Federer, who was touring the medieval castle from 1285 near Amsterdam with her mother, was "dumbfounded" when she discovered that one of the photos she took of the castle included a strange flying object. In two of her High Dynamic Range, or HDR, photos of the castle, an unusual tubular-shaped object with a large S-shaped fin object can be seen.

When Federer reviewed some of the images she had taken, she was startled to see that in a certain five-image progression, something unusual appeared.

"It was a tubular-shaped object that had an S-shaped fin on it. If it had been any type of missile, it would've had multiple fins, but facing the same direction. We heard nothing, it was completely quiet out. The more I flipped through the frames, it was kind of creepy," Federer recalled, the Huffington Post reports. "I've been shooting for quite some time and I've seen other stuff in the news, but I've never seen anything [like this] with my own eye.  I couldn't wait to get home where I could blow it up and see what was really there. I looked at the image information -- at the shutter speed -- and (the object) was blurred at 1/250th of a second, so it had to be going superfast."

"Actually myself and everyone who has seen the images so far are dumbfounded. I've been shooting for quite a long time and have never encountered anything like this," Federer wrote on her blog.

Ben Hansen, a former FBI special agent and the lead host of Syfy Channel's "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files," told the HuffPo, that based on his expertise, the photos have not been manually manipulated.

"Having reviewed the raw files, there's no overt indication that the photos have been manipulated with post editing software," he said via email.

"The object's appearance is internally consistent with the rest of the photo. For instance, look at the darker area of the underside of the object compared with the clouds. The shadowing is similar on the underside as well as the lighting on the top of the object and the clouds where the sun is brightest. Having the sun in the frame is helpful because it indicates where shadows should appear. This further supports that the object was photographed 'in-camera' and not added later."

However, Hansen was skeptical of the object's UFO status. 

"If we were to assume that the protrusions are stabilizing airfoils -- such as might be found on a rocket or jet -- then it would make sense that the larger fins would be placed on the rear of the object and, consequently, we would know its direction," Hansen wrote. "However, the available pixels which blur and separate the protrusions from the main body equally suggest maybe they are NOT airfoils, but some other part of the object that is in rapid motion."

Instead of an UFO, Hansen says "If I had to place my money on it, I would say that we're looking at insects. We typically see many wing protrusions on insect rod cases, but they do come in the single pair variety, too. It all depends on the shutter speeds and motion of the insects."