By Bianca Tan ( | First Posted: May 12, 2013 11:59 AM EDT

People can't seem to get enough of Omar Borkan Al Gala. Just weeks after his highly publicized deportation from Saudi Arabia for being "too handsome," the 25-year old United Arab Emirates-national is speaking to the media about his apparent fame since the incident. The self-proclaimed poet, model and photographer gave Yahoo! Omg a rare interview as he talked about his 'illegal' good looks and stardom.

Talking to reporter Jessica Kahawaty via video conference, Al Gala said the past weeks have turned his life "upside down."

In the past weeks, reports have circulated online about three men being escorted out of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for being "too handsome"-one of which is Al Gala. The model has since created great buzz online, racking up hundreds of thousands of followers on social networking sites as well as prompting Google searches for "Omar Borkan Al Gala Facebook" and "Omar Borkan Al Gala Wife".

Al Gala also said that while beautiful people may be given more attention and privileges, his good looks is in fact a gift from above.

"I look at it as a gift from God, [and] to be smart to use it in the right way," he said.

He also noted how much fun he has been having online, connecting to all his fans around the world. And while he finds the instant stardom and the dedicated fans "flattering," he said he has been having an amazing time reaching out to them.

"I had the most amazing awesome two weeks in my life, connecting with my fans all over [the world] with social network, Facebook and Twitter, Instagram," Al Gala noted.

He also shared his thoughts on the recent deletion of his Facebook account which already had over 800,000. According to Omar Borkan, he has no confident answer as to why his site has been deleted, but he thinks its because of fake accounts.

"I really had problems with Facebook and other social networks because of the fake accounts," the photographer/ model told Yahoo! Omg. "People actually don't know what's real and what's fake, and we're figuring this out."

Omar also revealed that he is currently working on his first motion film to be released in Dubai. He says filming starts on June and that being in front of the camera wouldn't be a problem for him being a model and photographer, himself.

The UAE-national also noted in the interview that feeling good about oneself is important and this will reflect on the face, making anybody look handsome too.